Thursday, January 30, 2020

W.C. Fields once said...

W. C. Fields once said, "This old world is a very tough place, and you're darn lucky if you can get out of it alive."  And this world IS a very tough place, indeed.  We ALL have tough challenges.  Tough challenges need tough faith, in however one believes.  Often it is easier said than done.  I tend to take a deep breath and PLUNGE forth.  Sometimes I've PLUNGED BACKWARDS though, but sometimes, the plunge forth is sweet, oh, so amazingly sweet.

My last horse, Patches, was a foal in dire need of being rescued when he came into my life.  How he came into my life is quite a story too, for a later blog.  In the late 1980's following spine surgery...I had to learn to walk again for the second time, but was darn grateful I could.  Still there were complications, so I traveled to Johns-Hopkins to see the world renown Dr. Kopits, who devoted his career to Little People.  That I got to see him at all was the result of a plunge I made.  Due to the severity of my condition, he asked if I could move to Baltimore.  "Yes, of course!  I will go to my money tree!  No problem!"  I reminded him I came with a horse and cat package.😏  Financially, there was just no way.  Impossible.

After I returned to Kentucky, I had this idea, but shoved it away.  Everything could go wrong.  Yet the idea persisted.  I would ride Patches 10 miles, involve the media, and seek pledges for each mile.  If I plunged BACK trying this, the media would be right there to show it, so I HAD to shove the crazy idea aside.

Then I was given a nudge.  More like a huge SHOVE.😮  I was moving Patches from one farm to one closer to my home.  One day, leaving the farm I had him at, it suddenly came to me out of nowhere, to clock the miles from one farm to the other.  I did.  The distance...was...EXACTLY...10...MILES!

I took a deep breath, and PLUNGED forth.

My next blog will share what happened next...😉

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