Saturday, October 31, 2020

Adelaide Bits, Part ll...

Once again the following are what I hope shall be two interesting bits about your Adelaide which are not long enough for a blog entire, yet could be something you find a little enlightening.  Maybe...I hope...😂

Not long after our horses, Patches and Sierra were responsible for Aiden and I to finally find The Love of our lives in each other, we discovered we both shared 
a love for a certain special song by U2.  For you see we each had despaired we would ever find The One to fall hopelessly in love with.  And then we did.

Aiden's height of 5'11" or mine of 4'3" did not matter.  
Or very wild hair (mine) or a very receding hair line (his), or a charming lopsided mouth (mine) or a lovely smile (his), or dressing like a hippie with aplomb (me) or dressing handsomely in three piece suits with pizzazz (him), or having such an infectious way of laughing which makes others begin laughing too (mine), or laughing out of control with huge tears at the infectious way of laughing someone you love has (him, at me), or who gives big warm hugs like there is no tomorrow (mine) or receives and gives back big warm hugs like there is no tomorrow (his)...because we found The One who had our heart. 

We were helplessly hopelessly in love with each other.

The song?  "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."

Only after we DID find what we were looking for in each other, we changed the lyrics to make the song more our own because we HAD finally found what we were looking for.  Our version would have been sung at our wedding had it not been for the accident taking Aiden away. 

However the song with our words was instead sung during the Memorial Service for The One I will love forever.💕💫

Following this newspaper photo of Patches and I, is a somewhat hilarious event which could only happen to your Adelaide one day...

I share this photo because I am dressed as usual in my unique style using ballet attire I have had a penchant for, besides the fact for me at least, the pieces never need hemming.  The exact pieces you see in this photo are important because they were on me when this event unfolded.  The only difference though is I was wearing a lovely black turtleneck top on under the piece you see, with unique purple, yellow, and red flowers because it was winter.  And black leotards.  But I was wearing something else too which also very significantly contributed to this event.

After I fed Patches before the sun arose that morning, as I did every morning, I drove the forty-two miles to the performing arts center I worked for.  I wore my trusty black rubber boots in the shape of cowboy boots until I could then change into other shoes.

On this particular day at the arts center, there happened to be HUGE meetings of not only our Board Members, but our Investors.  So obviously our Executive Director wanted EVERYTHING to be perfect.  Especially because on THIS day the Board Members and Investors wanted to be given backstage tours so they could meet the usually unseen staff who help make all the "magic" happen.

When I arrived at the arts center that morning I made a somewhat horrifying discovery.  You see, in the dark while Patches ate, I dressed up for this huge day ahead except for the shoes.  A routine I did quite often very successfully.  Only on THIS day the bag containing my dress shoes was still sitting under a tree because I needed to move them for a moment to reach the feed bucket!😱

Staff members assured me the adorable rubber boots actually complimented my dress after I cleaned all the dirt and mud off.  They also believed I may have begun a new fashion trend.  The only problem however with rubber boots is they tend not to be quiet, something I hadn't had to be concerned with before.  For you see mine in particular had many decibels of loudness as I walked which went as follows and I am NOT kidding:  


In fact our sound guy was VERY insistent on wanting to record the sound for a special project he was working on, that is after the Board Members and Investors had gone of course.  Though at the moment I didn't quite share his same enthusiasm.  

We also soon discovered my SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH increased in intensity when I used the restroom, for after exiting I found my fellow loyal staff members were all outside the door rolling on the floor 
in hysterical laughter. 

I had no choice but to plunge forth and hope I may not need to use the restroom again or have to move around much, which would be all but impossible given the fact
I was scheduled to give the Board Members and Investors a grand tour of the Scene Shop with a crash course in how a Scene Designer designs!  Including my SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH sound effects!🙄

Aside from this the Board Members and Investors had another reason why they were ESPECIALLY keen to meet me, for recently I had been featured in a art magazine in a long piece focusing on my art, Scene Design work, my indomitable spirit, and my horses.
Indirectly this piece brought a massive wave of positive attention to the arts center because it's Scene Designer was viewed as not only being female but physically challenged too, yet they hired me.  Obviously I was very grateful they did as I wasn't their only candidate.  I was actually chosen by the arts center because I came with not only being quite capable but highly respected and talented for the job.  In other words, I had already thankfully proven myself in my profession.🎭

Anyway, there was no way Adelaide could keep silent the SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH.

Late morning here they all came with Martin, our Executive Director.  I plunged right in explaining what happened and why I was wearing my fancy boots with the loud sound effects, demonstrating this fact for them first so we could get on with the more important things.  After the group could all finally quit laughing, they first had a far more pressing question to ask me,  "How DO you get ON your horse?!!"🙃

Then I walked them all through the role the Scene Designer plays from the moment a play, ballet, opera or musical theatre production has been decided upon.  We eventually moved from the Scene Shop to the stage itself so I could wrap up explaining my work, and our Lighting Designer, Neil, could take over explaining his work.

Then the unexpected happened, for at times the stage can be dangerous.  Some of us more seasoned to certain sounds know when to react.  The only thing Martin, our Executive Director remembers hearing is, "Adelaide's SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH before she shoved me out of harm's way from a falling stage lamp, just missing us both, but made a huge gash in her leg!"

The gash, nearly seven inches long required stitches after Martin and I were together rushed to the ER by ambulance.  He had a large hematoma on his forehead due to the force of my powerful shove.

Had I not been wearing those SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH rubber boots of mine, but been in my dressy shoes with slick soles and heels, I never could have shoved Martin and myself too, out of the way in time.  There was a reason those shoes remained beneath the grove of trees that morning.

Everytime I notice the long scar forever there, I cannot help but hear in my memory, SQUIGGEE SQUIGGEE SQUISH SQUISH...😂💫

Friday, October 30, 2020

Secretariat, Magic, And I...

Sometimes if we just put ourselves out there the most amazing things can be ours to treasure.

Since the 1800's if one has a way with horses here in Kentucky they are referred to as having "The Magic."  Today this is now often referred to as one being a "horse whisperer."

Without a doubt I knew there was Magic between my horses and I, but it wasn't until I met Secretariat and shown in a very extraordinary way, I really had Magic with other horses too.  Even very famous ones.

Secretariat was indeed a racing legend, winning 
the 1973 Triple Crown of American horse racing, shattering records in all three of the Triple Crown races that year.  However, it was the way he won the Belmont that made him a legend.  He won by an astounding 31 lengths!  It was unbelievable then and still is now...for quite often horse races are won by noses and necks.  Not an astounding 31 lengths!

After Secretariat retired from racing he came to the beautiful Claiborne Horse Farm in Bourbon County Kentucky.  Many MANY came to see him through the years before he became seriously ill in 1989 with the extremely painful hoof inflammation disease known as laminitis and had to be put down.  So at age nineteen Secretariat galloped away leaving all who loved him in his dust a final time. 

Several years after he retired my NYC friend Annie and 
I made the journey to see him one day.  About twenty others were there too and we got in line.  A semi-retired staff member was there to make sure all went well. 

And he really needed to be there this day for Secretariat did not appear in any mood to have visitors come to his stall.  He was throwing his ears back and trying to take a bite out of each person who stood before him hoping to just touch him!

My turn came.  Suddenly he pricked his ears forward immediately leaning over his stall door, then lowered his head to my level!  I began stroking his forehead and rubbing beneath his cheekbones which horses love, as he closed his eyes.  This is the moment when the staff member exclaimed in awe, " have The Magic!"

I could only nod as I had a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes because something very special was clearly happening here.

Since others were waiting to see Secretariat too I had 
to move on.  I whispered, "thank you," to him, kissed his forehead and slowly moved away.  

As soon as the poor lady next in line moved before him, he suddenly jerked his head up, threw his ears back, 
and lunged trying to take a bite out of her, continuing 
to do the same with the rest. 

While Annie and I were trying to take in what had just happened we saw the staff person telling other Farm employees what he had just witnessed by pointing my way and exclaiming, "She's the one who has The Magic!  You should have seen what I saw!"  

No one even mentioned I was a Little Person, but only that I had The Magic!

It took Secretariat to show me in a most amazing way I not only had The Magic with my own horses, but even with him.  And this was indeed a gift to be treasured.

When you put yourselves out there you will find a world awaiting you with bright treasures.  

And sweet, sweet Magic too!🐎💫

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A day when I plunged forth with a huge leap...

My blog piece, "When I Used My Excellent Tact," shared a somewhat hilarious experience my co-workers and I were thrust into with a awful body odor situation when I worked at the architectural/building firm during my interval away from my Theatre Design career following a spine surgery.  Today, I will share another event at the same firm during my time there.

If you have been following this blog, by now you may have found I tend to be very courageous, positive, funny, and enthusiastic, all enabling me to make a huge splash in this world with far more height than I came with. 

At the firm was a salesman whose job was to visit prospective business clients looking to build.  Mark's job was also to be up to date on any prime land available for sale.  He too, plunged forth in life with a positive attitude, always embracing a hope for the best.  

Besides painting renderings of what buildings would look like based upon the plans I could read, I often helped Bailee answer the phone.  

So one day while I was answering the phone during lunch a gentleman called from Michigan.  He was one of the owners of the new car company Acura.  They had been desperately looking everywhere along a specific stretch of road in a very prime location to find land for sale, but after a year still had no luck.  He knew we were a tiny firm but was wondering if there were any chance we could help.

"Why yes, of course we can, Mr. Davidson!" (plunging forth, I dove right in with my positive spirit without a clue if we COULD really help!😂)  "Our salesman, Mark, has leads about available property no one else does.  I am quite sure he will know of a piece of land available exactly where you want to build.  And then, we can design your building and build it for you too.  We do it all."  [me, a theatre set design person enthusiastically promoting something totally unrelated to art, theatre, 
or horses!]🤣

"Adelaide, we have called so many firms in the past year yet no one has ever sounded so positive and nice to speak with as you are!  Why I believe your firm really CAN help us!"

"Good!  May I have your phone number?  I will contact  Mark as soon as we hang up and have him call you."

As I called Mark, I said a prayer he actually COULD help these people with the huge blazing leap of faith miracle I just promised we would accomplish.  As soon as I told him about the conversation I just had and what all I kind of promised, Mark became incredibly excited. 

"Do you know what, Adelaide?!!  You are SO not going to believe this, but just this VERY morning I became aware of something no one else even knows about.  The prime piece of property Mr. Davidson has sought all this time only JUST became available!  What incredible timing!  And what a miracle!"

"Mark!  You've got to call him NOW!  Please call me back and let me know what happens?"

"I will!  In the meantime you call the owners in Florida.  Tell them we may have the biggest job this firm has ever had, leading to this and other car dealerships!"

"Got it!"

Several months later after the new dealership was 
built on the exact piece of property that had eluded 
Mr. Davidson and his dealership monopoly, he told a story at the dedication ceremony he had already told many times, honoring both Mark and I.  Told the gathering how desperate they were and how many broken promises they had encountered.  So much negativity.  

Then they call this very tiny little architectural and building firm really not expecting anything but what 
the hell, call them anyway.  

"So we get this lady with buckets of optimism and this huge, refreshing "can do" spirit.  Then five minutes later I am speaking with Mark with HIS buckets of optimism too, who miraculously just HAPPENS to have available the very piece of land we had been desperately trying to get for over a year!  Just like that these two became OUR miracle!"

And it DID lead to other dealerships being built by the firm for Acura.

They very generously gave Mark and I each a HUGE check to express their gratitude.  For me, having just been in the hospital for a long time, the money was especially a much needed gift.  

You never know just how much embracing "buckets of optimism," can make a huge splash in this world with far more height than you came with.😃💫

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dr. Mortara's tears...

The Webster Dictionary definition for compassion is embracing the pain of another; a touching desire to help; expressing words of comfort especially when one has suffered a loss; showing tender concern by entering another's emotional experience.

Two days before Christmas I had my second spine surgery where again everything went wrong nearly paralyzing me.  Nineteen hours in I suddenly began bleeding out very heavily and I almost died, through no fault of my surgeon.

Immediately following surgery a massive hematoma formed, pressing on my spinal cord slowly paralyzing me.  My dear orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Mortara, rushed back in to then do a four hour emergency surgery to remove the hematoma.  So we ended up being in surgery for twenty-three hours that day.

Dr. Mortara has featured in two other blogs here where I have shared the very humorous bond we had bantering back and forth with each other.  Like when I fractured my tailbone in two places after my horse Bashum stumbled while galloping.  I feared Dr. Mortara would be upset.  Instead he came in laughing, teasing me how I couldn't just fracture my tailbone in one place, but two.  I then responded I liked to think BIG.  He not only loved my attitude but the ways I didn't let my dwarfism define me.  And that I was a fighter.  I had been his patient for several years prior to the spine surgery, so we knew each other quite well by then.

Two days after the spine surgery in ICU on Christmas Day I finally awoke...just in time to see Dr. Mortara coming.  He looked terrible.  He was very anxious to 
see if I still had any movement in my legs.  As hard as I tried only some toes on my right foot moved.  

I already knew what had happened as I was the one who alerted them in recovery something was terribly wrong immediately following the nineteen hour surgery, which is when the massive hematoma was discovered.

Suddenly I was shown just how much I had come to mean to Dr. Mortara as a patient because tears began pouring down his face while he struggled to say, "Everything was going so well, and then the bleeding from out of nowhere happened.  Then this...this terrible hematoma.  You have your horse, your work, such a full life...and..."  

He then began choking up and crying so hard I began choking up too, yet not for me...him!  I was profoundly touched by his concern and deeply moved by his tears.

Though there were tubes everywhere and I was so weak, I managed to grab hold of his hand.

"Dr. Mortara, none of this is your fault.  WE are going to surmount this, okay?  I've got movement in those toes, and that's a beginning.  I will be focusing on my toes until they all move, then my feet, and legs just like I did the first time this happened.  When I leave this building, I will walk out of it.  And I WILL be galloping on Patches again."

Then he cried harder!

Through his tears though, Dr. Mortara managed to tell me it was because he was so moved by MY comforting HIM!  He had been feeling utterly devastated.

"Adelaide, that your fighting spirit hasn't been lost is the best Christmas gift I have been given.  And I believe you WILL walk again.  When you leave this place I will be right there to walk with you."

Two months later, I did and he did.  

Only due to hospital protocol I was made to ride in a wheelchair TO the door.  It had taken me two months 
of very hard work just to be able to do my hard won "shuffle" by then.  So slowly, as Dr. Mortara let me lean on him, I was escorted to the waiting ambulance taking me home, as a host of nurses, doctors, and cleaning staff who had come to know me too, were all clapping.
Compassion is the most healing of all our emotions, though not everyone has it.  Yet for those who do, compassion is quite powerful because it transforms lives.  Especially the way it did for a beloved surgeon 
in an ICU Unit one Christmas Day in tears...

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Very Special Theatre Moment...

Thankfully THIS theatre moment was one that did NOT unfold before an audience, but during Dress Rehearsal.  For those who may be unfamiliar with theatre lingo, Dress Rehearsal is when the actors wear their actual costumes or clothing for a play for the final rehearsal before Opening Night.

This particular play, "Calvalcade" by Noel Coward was about a very loving couple over a period of time who weathered changes in the world around them including losses.  The two main leads acting in this production, Martina and Simon were actually married to each other.

The rehearsals leading up to Dress Rehearsal went quite well.  However a storm was forming below the surface.  It appeared the young actress playing the lady in love with the "Calvalcade" couple's son, apparently was brazenly being flirtatious with Simon.  Martina, well aware of this didn't appear to be concerned.  At least on the surface.  

Yet there is this very surreal calm where NOTHING stirs just before a tornado wipes a town off the map too!

When Simon and Martina arrived on Dress Rehearsal night, not only were they obviously fighting, they had been drinking!  Not good, not good.😱

So it would be an understatement to say that 
Dan, the play Director suddenly became about as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full 
of rocking chairs rocking.🤣

Act I came off well considering everything.

Then...came...Act...II.  When Miss Flirtatious enters.

Now I happened to be in the Scene Shop painting a set for a play the following season.  Way back there I usually couldn't hear what was happening on stage.  But I sure did hear a huge crash!  MY first thought was the unthinkable happened:  that part of my set failed somehow, so I went flying to Stage Right.😱  

I arrived just in time to see Martina hurl a large vase prop at Simon which shattered to pieces as she yelled, "Simon, you son of a b***h!"

"Marty I wasn't being flirtatious back," said Simon, as he dodged a large book.

"I saw you wink at her!"

"I wasn't winking at her!"

"Like hell!"

"Calvalcade" had clearly just descended into "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?" here.😂

"Marty, do you REALLY think I could fall for HER?!!"

Oh my, Simon was in for it now, because this is when Miss Flirtatious suddenly came out from under the desk she was cowering beneath grabbing a whiskey bottle prop on her way.  As she hurled it at Simon he ducked and the bottle shattered my multiple glass window panes I had painstakingly put in for each of the large windows.😱

At this point Marty turned on Miss Flirtatious.  

"How DARE you!"  As she hurled the coffee table at her and missed, but took out MORE of my windows besides breaking a leg on the coffee table!🥴


If you're wondering WHO said this, I can assure you it was not Dan the Director cowering behind the seats in Row F, nor was it the Stage Manager hiding behind the curtains, or Props, or the Executive Director and Artistic Director both hiding in the wings. 

It...was...ME...standing to my 4'3" full height.💥  

You see, when Adelaide's theatre set gets destroyed the night before Opening Night, she becomes a force to be reckoned with!!!😂

All three promptly seated themselves on the couch together when I ordered them to sit down NOW, even appearing to tremble a bit in fear as I stood before them.

"Simon, apologize to Miss Flirtat...I mean, Denise!"

"But I didn't..."

"I don't give a shit.  Apologize."

"Marty, you apologize to Simon and Denise."

"But Adelaide, I...uh...uh...okaaay, I'll apologize."

"Denise, it's your turn."

"Yes mam!  I'm apologizing!"

"Okay, all three of you are setting aside your differences NOW.  You have a show to do tomorrow and you're going to do it well and you're going to be sober doing it.  Right now you're going to finish Dress Rehearsal while I repair the windows and coffee table you broke.  If you're done rehearsing before I get done, you're going to help me finish.  Got it?"

They eagerly nodded in unison.

Simon then announced he had a confession.


"Yes Adelaide, please, because I'm not afraid saying this as long as you are here to protect me."🙄

"Marty honey, I was winking at Dan, not Denise.  I've been too afraid to come out.  No more.  I'm gay Marty.  Dan and I are in love.  This doesn't mean I won't continue to love just means things will be different.  We will be happier.  Please, I need to know my sweet angel, if you will support me in this."

At first she was silent.  For an eternity. 

"Simon, honey, I think deep down inside I've always known this.  We haven't been happy or fulfilled for years, you know?  I really want you to be happy, I sincerely do.  I will be happy too.  I believe this change will be good for us both.  And you know what else?  I'm very proud of you!"💖

"I am too, Simon." I said.

After everyone felt it was safe enough to venture out of their hiding places, we gave them a rousing round of applause as tears filled our eyes, because we were all profoundly touched by what just happened. 

Then everyone suddenly turned toward me and gave me a standing ovation.  Even now all these years later my eyes are filled with heartwarming tears by what happened on stage that night.  

It was powerful.  It was shared.  And oh, was it 
ever magic.🎭💫

Safe place...

When theatre has grabbed your heart one of the safest places to be in the world is the stage....assuming of course a theatre light doesn't come crashing down, or the stage gets waxed by mistake making it slippery as hell sending an actor flying into the orchestra pit, or a new acting intern doesn't play with the Scene Designer's nail gun as if it were a toy, or a props mistress doesn't tip over a huge bucket of marbles across the stage, or acting interns singing in a chorus don't find a way to hang a rope from the proscenium arch somehow late one night to swing on that causes a near disaster the next night during a performance, or the new falling raindrop machine doesn't malfunction nearly drowning the Scene and Lighting Designers working on a set, I said, for those of us who gave our hearts to theatre the stage really IS the safest, best, most fun, most wonderful place in the world to be because you see...

There's no business like show business
Like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing...
Nowhere can you get that happy feeling

There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low
Yesterday they told you, you would not go far
That night you open and there you are
Next day you are a star
Let's go on with the show!

The costumes, the scenery, the makeup, the props
The audience that lifts you when you're down
The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops...
The opening when your heart beats like a drum
The closing when the customers don't come

There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low...
You may be stranded out in the cold
But you still wouldn't change it for a sack of gold
Let's go on with the show, let's go on with the show!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Crossing paths with the famous...

When working in Theatre one sometimes meets the famous along the way, and my life has just happened to cross paths with a few...

One year Mikhail Baryshnikov, the amazing ballet star was on tour and came to the performing arts center I worked for.  His performance had long been sold out.

Prior to the performance when life backstage can really get crazy, the two of us passed each other.  The first was Baryshnikov and a entourage of people around him, while I with brushes in my hands and paint on my face was in a rush.

The second time he was alone and stopped me.  He said, "I could not help but notice you..."

I responded with my usual humor by saying, "Oh crap!  Is it because of the paint on my face?!!"

And he burst out laughing.  We briefly chatted then Baryshnikov asked, "Will you be staying for the performance?"

"I plan to watch it from the wings!  Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

And I was there.

After Baryshnikov's performance he was given roses, and more than one standing ovation.  As the curtains finally fell he gave me a rose saying, "This is for meeting you, and THIS is for the paint you still have on your face."  And THAT, was a kiss!

Another performer I was so blessed to meet was the dear actor Harold Gould.  He starred in many stage productions, television shows and movies, including one of my favorites, "The Sting."  Mr. Gould came to town with a stage production he was in.

We met backstage when he couldn't find the way to his dressing room.  Being a Little Person throws open the door for conversations one normally would not get to have.  Mr. Gould said, "I can't help but notice you are a Little Person!"

"Oh dear!  Is it THAT noticeable?!!"

He laughed so hard.

Then we had the nicest conversation.  It turns out he also loved horses.  As soon as he learned about mine, he asked, "How do you get ON your horse?!!"  (I am asked this SO much, if I ever write a book that question should be the title)😂

After the performance we had coffee and a delightful conversation together in his hotel lounge talking about life, dreams, art, "The Sting," and horses before going our separate ways.

The next person I am going to share here, is someone most of you may have never heard of, however, those who know theatre will know of this incredible lady, Betty Comden.  Her writing partnership with Adolph Green was the longest one in theatre history lasting six decades.  They provided the lyrics and screenplays to some of the most beloved Hollywood musicals and Broadway shows ever.  "Singing In The Rain" is just one of them.

How we met is really funny.  In New York, on a crowded street in the Theatre District one day when I was doing a Design Workshop there, a lady literally ran into me, nearly knocking me over.  This happens to Little People a lot you see, when people not expecting a hooman to be way down here will plow right into us.😱

Immediately as she began profusely apologizing, I blurted out, "You're Betty Comden!  WOW, it is such a pleasure to meet you!"  Which then shocked the hell 
out of HER because people usually had no idea what Comden and Green even looked like.  I knew because of my passion for Theatre History.  I was thrilled to meet her!  Ms. Comden was flattered.

Both of us had a free moment so we went to a nearby coffee shop, spending a delightful time talking theatre, Set Design, art, dreams, poetry, jewelry, horses.  "Dear, if you don't mind me asking, how DO you get ON your horse?!!"😂

Though I have met other famous people, I am only going to share one more here.  And believe me, this is someone known worldwide.  None other than Colonel Harland Sanders himself, creator of Kentucky Fried Chicken, whose home was close to the farm where I boarded some of my horses.

We first met when he was the Grand Marshall of a 
small town parade close to the farm which my pony 
and I were riding in.  As soon as The Colonel saw me 
he rushed over.  He was quite intrigued, saying, "Why you're one of those little ones, aren't you?"

"Oh crap!  I didn't think it was showing!"

He got a huge kick out of my humor.

So about a year later one day, as I was riding my pony Sadie off farm a limo suddenly pulled up beside us, and it was Colonel Sanders who recognized me because my dwarfism was still showing.🤣

"Little One, I told Miss Claudia (his wife) about you, and she would just love to meet you.  Can you come on up to our place?  PLEEZE?"

How could I possibly turn The Colonel down?  Sadie and I headed up to their place, where The Colonel and Miss Claudia were waiting.  They had been married for decades and clearly adored each other.  And they both had a question they wanted to ask.  "Honey, HOW do you get ON your horses?"

That became the first of several delightful visits where we sipped tea and talked.

But knowing how fiercely The Colonel was known for guarding the secret of his very famous Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe, I knew better than to ever dare ask what was in it, regardless of how darn cute he said I was.😂

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Step stool moments...

[I give you my final piece of this series for World Dwarfism Awareness Day today.  By sharing this blogging journey with, my dear readers hold 
in your grasp an awareness many never will.  For this, 
I am profoundly grateful to you.]

There come these very brief moments at times when 
I'm standing on one of my many step stools, where I will pause thinking how very different my life would have been if I had just those few additional inches.  Indeed it would have been.  Yet I don't have those inches so I embrace what I do have with my attitude of gratitude and innate sense of positivity.

Along the way on this amazing journey of mine I have been asked, "What do you hate most about being a Little Person?"

Obviously, the thing I/we Little People hate the most 
is the worsening invasive ridicule while being followed, chanted "midget" to, and having our images rudely taken on cellphones and uploaded to disgusting websites.  
To these non-humans we are an object.  We have no humanity.  THIS, is what I/we hate more than any inconvenience.  THIS, is what we would change if we could change anything at all. 

Sadly, there are some Little People who do the Jerry Springer type shows, demeaning not only themselves but us all.  For you see the non-humans seeing this assume we ALL are like that.  Well, we're not.  

The ONLY thing we Little People ever have in common with each other is the fact we're short with a form of dwarfism.  Period.

We are doctors, lawyers, accountants, marketing executives, teachers, architects, secretaries, social workers, actors, writers, musicians, artists, and even one theatre scene designer/artist/who galloped on her horses for decades.  

Many of us have achieved a lot.  Yet none of this matters when we contend with the non-humans.  To them, we're "the scum of the earth, the slime of the sea, the lowest form of humanity."  I cannot tell you how many times I have had those words chanted to me while surrounded by non-humans.

Trust me, we're not slime.  We're not scum.  And definitely not the lowest form of humanity.  I know this because I walk TALL with my head held high.  No one is taking that away from me.

Often people come up to me and preface what they are  respectfully curious about asking by first saying, "I can't help but notice you are a Little Person."  

Thankfully I have one hell of a sense of humor and usually respond with, "Oh crap!  I didn't realize my dwarfism was showing today!  Is it really THAT noticeable?!!"

It then takes a brief moment for them to realize what a sense of humor this Little Person has who is happy to answer their questions.  I consider it as my Public Relations work on behalf of us all, because for every person I/we may patiently educate, they will share the positive encounter they had with others.  It may be a drop in the bucket, but it is one where the door of our humanity gets opened wider.

Someday...maybe...just maybe that door will at last be thrown wide open forever.💫

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The greatest gift ever...

One October evening long ago my dear mentor friends Joseph, Jackie, Ella, Nora, and me stood before the flames of a small fire.  In my hands I held a large piece of posterboard I had made months earlier.  

"Are you ready?" asked Joseph.


"First Adelaide, I want you to know how proud I am of your courage and the miracle of what you achieved.  We all are, and we love you.  We celebrate this moment with you.  Remember this always." 

As I placed the posterboard onto the fire, I watched the flames symbolically burn the last painful remnant of my childhood from hell.  I was free.  And I WILL forever remember that moment...

Chantal wrote:  The greatest gift one can give to another person, is a deeper understanding of life, and the ability to love and believe in self.

The key words in my cherished quote above, are "the ability to love and believe in self."

Growing up in the horrendous childhood I had, didn't exactly instill a good self image, which further was not helped by also being the constant "object" of ridicule and rude comments out in public too.

I was very blessed though with the four amazing, dear mentor friends when I needed help the most while I was a young seventeen year old living on my own.  Each were many years older than me.

Joseph made me see how my upbringing and the onslaught of mean public ridicule caused me to carry 
"a dwarf card."  I was doing extraordinary things besides galloping across fields upon my horses, yet felt terribly helpless against the overwhelming negative feelings the rudeness kept evoking.

You see my mother blamed me for the way people stared and chanted "midget" at me with scorn.  She would rage at me constantly saying it was all my fault people did this.  What was a child like me supposed to do with THIS?

I later learned parents of a child with dwarfism pour on reassurance embracing the child in love, instilling within them from an early age their worth, their uniqueness and how special they are.  And to not let the staring or ugliness define who they are.  Most of all, showing how much they matter.

Joseph had me use my artistic abilities to make what he called a "Dwarf Card" on large poster board made to look just like a real credit card.  Only this "credit card" entitled one to feel.  He then had me list all the negative, paralyzing feelings which arose each time I was so rudely ridiculed.  

Then we went through them all one by one, discussing them.  One for instance was a feeling of deep shame.  Joseph made me see I had absolutely no reason to feel shame, especially with all the amazing things I could do and the strong person I am.  He enabled me to see how I was allowing strangers and all the ways my mother blamed me have power with their terrible words.

After we talked about all the things on my "dwarf card" one by one and worked through each one over a period of time we had that grand burning ceremony which became my "freeing" ceremony.  Through Joseph I slayed, and I mean SLAYED the dragon of my mother and the ugly deep pain the "midget" word had instilled within me.

All I needed was the right person to guide me when I needed it the most back then.  In fact all four of my dear mentor friends gave me a crash course with all 
the love, acceptance, and feelings of worth so sadly missing from my childhood.  They also taught me how to no longer fear being touched with violence, and what to be hugged was like.

I was given the greatest treasure I could ever be given then, for I was given the priceless ability to love and believe in self.

We are all unique, my dear ones.  May you love and believe in yourself.  Walk tall and embrace your very unique worth with gratitude...💫 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Those insidious Labels...

As I have touched on before, ever since I held a crayon in my art my horses are all free, without halters, bridles, and fences.  It didn't take long for me to understand the deep meaning as to why.  As a Little Person with a HUGE spirit or force of life bursting from within, I have always had to strive to break free of definitions placed upon me, and all of us.  We become defined by our physical appearance, where we live, what we believe, our race, sexual preference, wealth, on and on.  As I continue writing today on The Label as it has affected MY life, I am writing on behalf of all who are affected by The Labels. 🏷

This morning the song, "I Am Woman," was playing.  Suddenly I was reminded of The Labels. 🏷  For when I have played the song on the piano somewhere, or mentioned it, I will get, "Now wait a minute, YOU are a LITTLE woman though."  What?!!  WHY CAN'T I BE 
JUST A WOMAN TOO?!!  After all, I was engaged to a wonderful, HANDSOME 5'11" man who fell in love with me for being an amazing WOMAN who changed his life, for he had despaired of ever finding the woman of his dreams.  I just happened to be packaged in a unique body HE thought beautiful.  Actually he loved my sense of humor too.  And oh, did I love him.  (For anyone 
new, Aiden died in an accident just before we married, however I still wear the ring and always will).💕

I have shared how as soon as I leave my home, I encounter the RUDE, mean Label Givers, and have all my life.  To Little People the word midget is as deeply offensive to us as the "N" word is to African Americans.  Yet many could care less.  It is the more insidious, demeaning Label aspect I/we endure.  Though I have refused to let it define me.  If I did, I never would have become who I am.👍

Many years ago I spoke to a very nice lady (on the phone at least) about an apartment she had for rent.  She was quite impressed with my job and the fact I also owned a horse.  Was keen to meet and show the apartment to me.  When she opened the door to have Adelaide standing before her, she immediately changed.  SCREAMED at me, "What gives YOU the right to rent my apartment, you MIDGET!!!"  And slammed the door in my face.😖  

I have never had a problem getting a job...that is, until I changed my tactics when I was young.  I quickly found if I mentioned to interested theatres that I was a Little Person on the phone BEFORE meeting them, even though highly qualified the set design position could suddenly become UNAVAILABLE.  So I quit playing The Label game by NOT saying a thing about being height challenged on the phone.  No more problems ever getting work.  Especially after I became known for my talent. 

When I was sought after as a speaker, it was because I was known as being a powerful speaker who inspired.  The Little Person negativity Label didn't even exist in people's minds.

Obviously I am physically a Little Person, there is no denying this.  However, it's when "Little Person" morphs into societies' Label with all its negativity, that IT becomes dehumanizing.  And THIS is the problem with what The Labels🏷 are.  The humanity with respect is lost.  That is, aside from the part of society who is NOT concerned with these insidious Labels.

Unless The Labels 🏷 ever change, it is up to us who are Labelled to become strong in self 🙌 respect, to love and to believe in ourselves.  And to also be darn sure we have those around us who embrace us free of Labels.

One thing for certain though, in my whole life, I have never ever had ANYONE say anything negative about me when I am on or with one of my horses!  No Labels there!  

And THAT is sweet...oh, so sweet, because my horses always break me free.🐎😃🐎💫

Even if you're not...

Keep your head held high and BELIEVE you are walking TALL even if you're not...

Thursday, October 22, 2020

When dwarfism is tough...

Webster's definition of adapt is to bring one thing into correspondence with another; modification or yielding to changing circumstances; bringing into harmony.

There is no other way to sugar coat it.  Life as a Little Person is really tough at times.  For some Little People far worse than others, as I have tried to share what many others go through physically compared to me.  

Little People live with pain, have physical deformities, encounter terrible meanness, ridicule, and our images rudely taken on cellphones each time we leave our homes.  Here in the U.S. these photos can then be uploaded to disgusting websites just for the purpose of ridicule on a massive scale.  Obviously without our consent for to them we're just an object.  Our humanity does not matter in their eyes.  And this really sucks.

One thing I refuse to do on my journey of encountering this crap is not lower myself to THEIR level.  For you see I learned MANY years ago if I dared to give these non-humans the finger or deliver an F-Bomb their ridicule became worse.  Or THEY would become enraged because I had the audacity to respond to them with THEIR level of disrespect!  How dare I not remain in place as being the scum OBJECT of their ridicule!

Besides, lowering myself to their level makes me feel I am standing in their shit.  So I prefer to keep out of their shit by walking TALL and remaining silent embracing the fact they DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO BREAK MY SPIRIT.  Yes it's hard but there really is no other way to deal with these non-humans.  And these days it is far too dangerous to confront these non-humans due to the "justified" rage many have now along with the guns they carry.

Prior to my becoming homebound due to the severe deterioration of my health in recent years each time I went to the grocery store and other places my height challenge necessitated my needing to constantly ask other customers in getting down what I needed.  It was/is amazing how much this becomes a blessing to those I ask for their help.

So often people are deep in their own thoughts and worries then suddenly there is someone cheerfully asking for their help who obviously has worse problems than they do.  Their faces suddenly light up.  Many times I have been told how nice it was for them to be needed.  And when I have had to ask someone for help who was not that much taller than me THEY really delighted in the fact they ran into someone shorter than themselves who THEY could help!  You wouldn't believe all the wonderful, positive, inspiring interactions with people I have had while shopping! 

However, over the years though I have learned there are many Little People who absolutely refuse to ask for help when they can't reach what they need.  Even with people standing right there offering to help these individuals climb on the shelves and merchandise, knocking stuff over to get what they need.

I cannot agree with this method.  Their "I can do this myself" pride is one reason they do it.  Proving one is not helpless is another.  Yet because these are taken to such extremes I believe their reasons loudly backfire.  And on us all.

I have had average height people ask me what they should do when they encounter a shelf climbing Little Person in action.  If they refuse to ask for help let them be and go your way.  It's sad though because there are not many Little People out there to begin with.  Which is why I try to inspire and educate every chance I get, even in a grocery store because we don't get many of these chances anyway.  So if average height people have a one time encounter with a rude, stubborn, or negative Little Person their impression is we ALL must be like that too when we're obviously not.  This is why I have always taken my Public Relations work for us very seriously.😃

Anyway tall-lies often forget WE are living in a world not made for us, that we constantly must struggle to adapt ourselves into.  Many must use hand controls to drive or pedal extensions.  Though I am "tall" enough to reach the pedals without extensions I am required to use them.  I don't mind.  We adapt.  Motion sensors are another thing as I have shared in a funny blog here.  We are still trying to adapt to these.😂

And our homes have LOTS of stools.  I just counted NINE in use.  In a one bedroom apartment.  Stools are quite necessary.🤣  Not only that, but all my kitchen cupboards up above are as HIGH as Mount Everest and are EMPTY.  So are the upper shelves in my closets.  We adapt.  We HAVE to adapt.🤔

Dwarfism is especially tough with the unending physical challenges we endure.  Like many my long arm and leg bones did not grow normally.  However, I/we carry the same muscle mass squeezed and jammed around our long bones as an average size person has.  Think of this.  I am 4'1" but have the same muscle mass as a 5' 7-9" woman.  Having this huge amount of muscle jammed around my short long bones causes pain both neurologically and arthritically, besides not having cartilage.  This is not even counting the severe spine pain I live with.  My spinal cord inflammation disease has all but shut my bladder, stomach, and colon down.  The pain and nausea are severely worsening from the complications and infections.  This part of my dwarfism is tough.

Yet I still keep pouring all the love, gratitude, harmony, courage, humor, and fighting spirit into my world as I always have.  For you see even though my shattered body dwells in a world it doesn't fit in nothing will ever break this indomitable spirit of mine.🐎😃🐎


My dear Readers,

I recently learned October is now Dwarfism Awareness month, with this Sunday, the 25th being World Dwarfism Awareness Day.

Though this Galloping blog has hopefully been bringing Awareness around the world to life as a TALL Little Person since it began, I will be posting specific pieces the next few days including Sunday in honor of this.

As always I am deeply grateful to have all of you on this blogging journey with me.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Adelaide Bits, Part I...

The following are hopefully interesting bits about your Adelaide which are not long enough for a blog entire, yet may still be a little enlightening...maybe...😂

I recently touched on in one of my Hilarious Theatre blog pieces how my assistant and I built a partial staircase with a landing for a play and how my heavy-duty hook hooked an actor by his suspenders.  

Often many are quite shocked to discover I had such 
an ability to not only use tools but to construct the theatre sets I designed too. 

The Theatre Scene Design curriculum involved far more than classes painting on huge canvas flats or painting plywood to look exactly like marble, bricks, or wood paneling.  It also involved classes learning how to use 
a table saw, circular saws, the ability to design then construct from various woods the magic of an entire theatre set from stage up. 

However I must confess, theatre always has a wealth 
of wonderful excited to learn interns, including some very dear set designer interns I was privileged to teach and mentor along the way.  Though they were not allowed to use the saws yet, they were a huge help to me down through the years in handling the huge pieces of lumber needed.  Besides my being proud to help launch them on their careers.

Now and then my interns would witness the ignorance 
I encountered, never hesitating to take a stand for me, which unfortunately was often needed.  For you see,  invariably people looking for The Set Designer would
see me...hear me, yet go straight to my interns as if I were not there.  And of course this would infuriate my interns. 

"Hello, I would like to learn how you come up with the amazing designs your sets are known for?"

"Uh...I'm an intern and I strongly suggest you speak to my highly talented boss, the Set Designer herself you just very rudely ignored, who happens to have a fully loaded nail gun in her hand at the moment and is not afraid to use it."😂

Remember my blog about the revolt of the eight year olds?  These were the dear kids who thought so much of me that when they were witnessing how our mean elderly teacher abused me because of my size, they didn't back down until their parents did something about it.  And we soon had a new teacher.

Well these kids gave me another powerful gift too.

We also had in our class a kid named Joey.  Joey had allergies and was the mean teacher's pet.  She constantly reminded us how fragile Joey was and 
often kept him with her at recess.  

One day Richard gathered us at the merry-go-round as he often did for important matters.  

"Who's had it with Joey?!!"

Of course we all immediately raised our hands because we all had it with Joey.

Richard continued, "He's a whiner!  No one wants to be around a whiner!"

Jordan said, "Yeah, look at Adelaide and what she's got!  You never hear HER whining!" 

Richard and everyone agreed.

And though I didn't realize it at that very moment, I sure did later.  For you see those kids confirmed something I had been instinctively doing since I was three.

We must become strong at our broken places, because the challenges in living will break us if we let them.  The survivor in me refused to let my circumstances break me.  I instinctively sought to surmount and then make strong the broken places rather than become mired down by them.

The more I became sought after by those seeking to have what they saw in me, I realized how much my horrendous childhood had actually necessitated in me from a very early age the need to reach out for what I was not getting like love and acceptance.  From the age of three I was already making strong my broken places with friends, by finding in others what so very sadly was missing from my parents.

I instinctively knew one does not make friends if one is a whiner or wallows in selfpity.  So from early childhood I made every effort to be the someone others would WANT to be around.  I embraced my innate sense of being outgoing and making friends.  And haven't stopped yet.💖💫

How many times on my journey have I heard from people shocked I own and gallop with abandon on 
my horses, "But horses are so HUGE and absolutely  terrifying!"😱

You see this is the second most comment I get following the infamous, "HOW do you get ON your horse," one.😂

Since I was one of the lucky ones born with the soul of a horse, whenever I encounter non-height challenged hoomans absolutely terrified of horses I am downright flummoxed.  

Oh these poor hoomans!  How do hoomans go through life being afraid of horses?  How do ANY hoomans go all through life without ever being owned by a HUGE horse?  Or seven?  For five decades?!!  Galloping with the wind?!!  And flying without wings upon their barebacks?!!🐎😂🐎💫

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tough faith...

Before I begin writing today's blog on tough faith I 
want to share that in my journey of always having the curiosity to discover and learn about what is beyond each new horizon, is also the same curiosity enabling me to explore other faiths.  Not because I desired to change my own, but a keen desire to seek an understanding and knowledge of all.

So years ago I embarked on a wonderful journey of discovery.  I spent time speaking with a Rabbi, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Catholic priest, and finally a friend who believes in a spirit channeled through someone.  I already had a profound respect 
for these beliefs yet by delving into them, I gained 
far deeper understanding.

I think there is a common thread running through all as the beginning of faith is found in all hearts if we walk in love.  Years ago I heard a dear minister say in respect to all beliefs in faith, "One should remember when we eat a bar of chocolate we don't sit there trying to analyze all the ingredients in it...we simply accept the goodness of it."  I have always loved that analogy.🍫  

Now then, touching on faith...just faith.

Church was not in my childhood, yet even as a very young child I somehow instinctively knew there was a God, and He was simply my Father In The Stars Above because I had nowhere else to turn in my living hell.  I would gaze at the stars and talk to Him every night pouring my darkness up to my Father In The Stars Above.  It was because I had nowhere else to turn my faith became a strong loving one which has continued all through my very challenging journey.🐎

In my talks when asked to speak about faith, I often referred to having a tough faith for the daunting challenges one may face in life.  When asked what I mean by tough faith, it is faith with a persevering trust in however we believe.  And it is a loving trust as faith isn't always feeling.  Tough faith is trusting we are loved and being sustained whether we feel it or not.

There are times in our lives we all have, when we deeply feel the weight or tragedy of our challenges.  If we step into the black unknown, tough faith is knowing we will either step onto something solid, or suddenly be given wings to fly.

I still embrace the faith of my childhood of My Father 
In The Stars Above as I continue to gallop through the tough challenges of my journey.🐎💫

Monday, October 19, 2020

That one summer...

During Patches' first summer Kentucky was suffering from a devastating drought.  My feed store kept me in alfalfa hay for him though, which got him through such a critical time.  However, Patches had a problem necessitating emergency surgery at the worst possible time.  Normally he would have been gelded (neutered) in late fall or winter when flies have gone and when he was older.  But Patches had a problem that would soon compromise his urinary function.  There was no choice but to geld him right smack in the midst of a horribly dusty fly ridden intensely hot drought summer.

We had to do it in a flat area of a dried up pasture.  Dr. Stone and his assistant first injected Patches with a dose of anesthesia, then I walked him in a circle.  As soon as he began wobbling the assistant was ready with a sterile sheet.  Just as Patches began going down the sheet was placed under 
him.  Then he was injected with a little more anesthesia.  As Dr. Stone went to work, I remained at Patches' head protecting his eyes from the sun and flies.

By the time the last stitch was put in, Patches began waking up.  Horses are flight animals, so when scared they want to get away...even if they can barely stand.  They become terrified by the effects 
of the anesthesia, so keeping them from injuring themselves is critical during this dangerous time.

I began rubbing Patches' head hard as I kept talking to him.  For a few moments I had to really hold onto him as he tried to get away by staggering off.  I kept talking and making him look at me.  Gradually his eyes came back into focus, and I could see he was beginning to recognize me.  Suddenly he began rubbing his head up and down against me very hard.  Patches was going to be all right.

Dr. Stone who had known me for quite some time, said, "You know, Adelaide, it never ceases to amaze me the bond you have with your horses...especially this little one.  How did you two come together?"

So I told him the amazing story of how Patches, the tiny three month old "dangerous runt" bound for slaughter and I came together, immediately forging a very deep bond.

"Wow.  What a powerful story!  You really should write about this, you know?"

"Maybe I will someday.  Our journey has only just begun."🙃

Eighteen months later Patches and I did The Ride, and thousands soon took us into their hearts.  Dr. Stone was the vet who came and did the paperwork we needed in order to cross state lines.

"You really need to write this story now, promise?"

"Don't worry, I will!  I promise!"  

And I am as best I can in this blog legacy.  

Maybe it took years before I could, but I kept my promise to dear Dr. Stone who has lived to see it happen.🐎😃🐎💫

Sunday, October 18, 2020

That Day Of 146 Tornadoes...

In 1974 a very astounding rare weather event unleashing one hundred forty-six tornadoes in less than twenty-four hours happened one horrific spring day many of us here will never forget.

I was especially reminded of this quite recently, as 
a very powerful storm system unleashed tornado warnings as the shrill tornado sirens were blaring while I hunkered down in my bathtub waiting.🥺

On 3 April 1974, an extraordinary, very powerful weather phenomena rapidly unfolded forecasters had never seen before, or since.  Three volatile weather systems were about to collide.  

Right over Kentucky.😱

Before the National Weather Service could issue the first tornado warning they began touching down.  The first hit near 3pm and continued one after another, AFTER ANOTHER all through the night.  

A horrific total of 146 tornadoes touched down in Kentucky and six other states, with the majority of them in Kentucky.  There were five Category 5 tornadoes, which are the most deadly and destructive ones imaginable.

The first tornado was a Category 5, which plowed into the small town of Brandenburg, Kentucky, wiping it off the map.  The other two Category 5 tornadoes plowed into Louisville, where I was living then, and the small town of Stamping Ground, Kentucky, wiping Stamping Ground off the map too.  Very few of the tornadoes touching down during that terrible night, were lower than Category 3, which is considered to be extremely dangerous.🥴

In an earlier blog I told about my friend Ella, who owned the florist and gift shop where I worked as I finished high school.  This was also where my artwork was being sold too.  We heard on the radio when the tornado that hit Louisville began its path of destruction in the southern corner of the county.  It was 4pm.  

Another thing about these tornadoes is they stayed on the ground a long time, which was very unusual and why they became even more destructive.  Louisville's tornado was on the ground approximately 25 minutes and traveled over 30 miles, crossing the Ohio River which tornadoes never do without weakening.  Not this one!  It kept going far into southern Indiana cutting a terrible swath of destruction before finally dissipating. 

Because it was near time for rush hour traffic to begin, Louisville had a police officer pilot who monitored traffic from a helicopter.  So due to his safe position he was able to give a non-stop broadcast where the tornado was hitting, and the horrific destruction he was seeing.

It hit Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby, yet thankfully, spared the Twin Spires.  Still it took out empty horse barns, destroyed the landscaping, and did other significant damage.  Then the tornado completely destroyed Cherokee Park.  In one moment thousands of trees a hundred years old or more were gone.  It also destroyed the water plant which supplied all of Louisville's water.

Ella and I were in the north eastern part of the county, and had gone outside.  The massive tornado could clearly be seen slowly heading northeast.  At that point we were about ten miles from the tornado's path, yet could hear it's loud roar.  We saw debris swirling high up around it and the many sparks and fires from power lines and gas lines as it destroyed them.

We just stood there a moment quietly watching this thing...just totally transfixed.😱

"Holy shit, is so HUGE!" I said, when I finally had words.  

Ella said, "I've never known one could be this..."

"I doubt anyone else has either."

Then it turned somewhat.  Our direction.

"Uh Ella, don't you think we should go to the basement?"

"Hell yes!  NOW!"😱

The roar was intense, the building violently shook, power lines snapped, windows broke, then it shifted, continuing on the same north eastward path it had been on sparing us further damage.  The power went out.  But thankfully we still had the radio.  And batteries.

By then the National Weather Service knew Kentucky was really in for it, and we were ordered to remain where we were if it was safe.  But suddenly "safe" seemed quite elusive in light of the many more tornadoes which kept touching down all around us.  Some in the same places already hit.

All through the night police, fire, and ambulance sirens kept blaring.  The National Weather Service had to keep blaring its alarm on the radio too, over and over as tornado after tornado struck.  They urgently had to keep repeating again and again, "Take cover NOW!  I repeat, TAKE COVER NOW!"  Even national radio programs broadcast during the night cancelled their regularly scheduled programs to focus instead on Kentucky.  

Obviously we, nor most of Kentucky slept.  

The tornadoes continued well into daylight the 
next morning.  Kentucky was forever changed.  Hundreds were killed.  Thousands lost everything.  Schools, everything closed.  Those of us who lived through it were forever changed.

Two tornadoes hit close to the farm where I boarded Selah.  Thankfully the horses were fine.  Just part of the barn roof was gone.  However, it was days before I could even get out there because so many roads remained impassable due to fallen trees and power lines.  

Louisville was a horrible mess, with so much major destruction.  Video was taken the next day from a helicopter showing the whole path the tornado took.  It was astounding.  The path made by the tornado was not only very long but a few miles wide too.

It was the same in Brandenburg and Stamping Ground where the two other Category 5 tornadoes struck.  Not even counting all the other tornadoes that hit Kentucky and beyond.  The little town of Xenia, Ohio, just across the Ohio River from Kentucky was also hit by one of the Category 5 tornadoes.  It too, was wiped off the map with a large loss of life.

As in all situations like this good comes shining forth.  Since this tragedy struck only three weeks before The Kentucky Derby, there was talk of having to do the unthinkable...cancelling it.  Though the famous tulips were all gone, it was the other severe damage at the track everyone was concerned about and the daunting task of repairing it in time.  Then a very amazing thing happened.  A plane from the Netherlands arrived in Louisville loaded with tulips.  So dear.  And that settled it.  The Kentucky Derby would go on.

One very serious thing officials realized in the aftermath was how lacking a warning system we had for tornadoes.  Immediately, a change happened.  A huge one.  Even the other tornado alley states like Kentucky took notice of what was done and changed their warning systems based upon ours.  Hundreds of tall tornado sirens were installed throughout the whole state, so that no matter where anyone is in Kentucky, if a siren goes off, it is heard because there are so many of them strategically located from one end of the state to the other.  And they have saved lives many times since, including mine.  In addition, the state has always invested in the latest weather technology regardless of cost.   

Hopefully Kentucky will never experience another day like The Day Of 146 Tornadoes ever again.  And Adelaide too.