A inspiring Little Person galloping through the challenges of life with her horses
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Adelaide Bits, Part ll...
Friday, October 30, 2020
Secretariat, Magic, And I...
Sometimes if we just put ourselves out there the most amazing things can be ours to treasure.
Without a doubt I knew there was Magic between my horses and I, but it wasn't until I met Secretariat and shown in a very extraordinary way, I really had Magic with other horses too. Even very famous ones.
Secretariat was indeed a racing legend, winning
After Secretariat retired from racing he came to the beautiful Claiborne Horse Farm in Bourbon County Kentucky. Many MANY came to see him through the years before he became seriously ill in 1989 with the extremely painful hoof inflammation disease known as laminitis and had to be put down. So at age nineteen Secretariat galloped away leaving all who loved him in his dust a final time.
Several years after he retired my NYC friend Annie and
My turn came. Suddenly he pricked his ears forward immediately leaning over his stall door, then lowered his head to my level! I began stroking his forehead and rubbing beneath his cheekbones which horses love, as he closed his eyes. This is the moment when the staff member exclaimed in awe, "Why...you...you have The Magic!"
I could only nod as I had a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes because something very special was clearly happening here.
Since others were waiting to see Secretariat too I had
As soon as the poor lady next in line moved before him, he suddenly jerked his head up, threw his ears back,
While Annie and I were trying to take in what had just happened we saw the staff person telling other Farm employees what he had just witnessed by pointing my way and exclaiming, "She's the one who has The Magic! You should have seen what I saw!"
It took Secretariat to show me in a most amazing way I not only had The Magic with my own horses, but even with him. And this was indeed a gift to be treasured.
When you put yourselves out there you will find a world awaiting you with bright treasures.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
A day when I plunged forth with a huge leap...
My blog piece, "When I Used My Excellent Tact," shared a somewhat hilarious experience my co-workers and I were thrust into with a awful body odor situation when I worked at the architectural/building firm during my interval away from my Theatre Design career following a spine surgery. Today, I will share another event at the same firm during my time there.
If you have been following this blog, by now you may have found I tend to be very courageous, positive, funny, and enthusiastic, all enabling me to make a huge splash in this world with far more height than I came with.At the firm was a salesman whose job was to visit prospective business clients looking to build. Mark's job was also to be up to date on any prime land available for sale. He too, plunged forth in life with a positive attitude, always embracing a hope for the best.
Besides painting renderings of what buildings would look like based upon the plans I could read, I often helped Bailee answer the phone.
"Why yes, of course we can, Mr. Davidson!" (plunging forth, I dove right in with my positive spirit without a clue if we COULD really help!😂) "Our salesman, Mark, has leads about available property no one else does. I am quite sure he will know of a piece of land available exactly where you want to build. And then, we can design your building and build it for you too. We do it all." [me, a theatre set design person enthusiastically promoting something totally unrelated to art, theatre,
"Adelaide, we have called so many firms in the past year yet no one has ever sounded so positive and nice to speak with as you are! Why I believe your firm really CAN help us!"
"Good! May I have your phone number? I will contact Mark as soon as we hang up and have him call you."
As I called Mark, I said a prayer he actually COULD help these people with the huge blazing leap of faith miracle I just promised we would accomplish. As soon as I told him about the conversation I just had and what all I kind of promised, Mark became incredibly excited.
"Do you know what, Adelaide?!! You are SO not going to believe this, but just this VERY morning I became aware of something no one else even knows about. The prime piece of property Mr. Davidson has sought all this time only JUST became available! What incredible timing! And what a miracle!"
"Mark! You've got to call him NOW! Please call me back and let me know what happens?"
"I will! In the meantime you call the owners in Florida. Tell them we may have the biggest job this firm has ever had, leading to this and other car dealerships!"
"Got it!"
Several months later after the new dealership was
"So we get this lady with buckets of optimism and this huge, refreshing "can do" spirit. Then five minutes later I am speaking with Mark with HIS buckets of optimism too, who miraculously just HAPPENS to have available the very piece of land we had been desperately trying to get for over a year! Just like that these two became OUR miracle!"
And it DID lead to other dealerships being built by the firm for Acura.
They very generously gave Mark and I each a HUGE check to express their gratitude. For me, having just been in the hospital for a long time, the money was especially a much needed gift.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Dr. Mortara's tears...
Immediately following surgery a massive hematoma formed, pressing on my spinal cord slowly paralyzing me. My dear orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Mortara, rushed back in to then do a four hour emergency surgery to remove the hematoma. So we ended up being in surgery for twenty-three hours that day.
Dr. Mortara has featured in two other blogs here where I have shared the very humorous bond we had bantering back and forth with each other. Like when I fractured my tailbone in two places after my horse Bashum stumbled while galloping. I feared Dr. Mortara would be upset. Instead he came in laughing, teasing me how I couldn't just fracture my tailbone in one place, but two. I then responded I liked to think BIG. He not only loved my attitude but the ways I didn't let my dwarfism define me. And that I was a fighter. I had been his patient for several years prior to the spine surgery, so we knew each other quite well by then.
Suddenly I was shown just how much I had come to mean to Dr. Mortara as a patient because tears began pouring down his face while he struggled to say, "Everything was going so well, and then the bleeding from out of nowhere happened. Then this...this terrible hematoma. You have your horse, your work, such a full life...and..."
He then began choking up and crying so hard I began choking up too, yet not for me...him! I was profoundly touched by his concern and deeply moved by his tears.
Though there were tubes everywhere and I was so weak, I managed to grab hold of his hand.
"Dr. Mortara, none of this is your fault. WE are going to surmount this, okay? I've got movement in those toes, and that's a beginning. I will be focusing on my toes until they all move, then my feet, and legs just like I did the first time this happened. When I leave this building, I will walk out of it. And I WILL be galloping on Patches again."
Through his tears though, Dr. Mortara managed to tell me it was because he was so moved by MY comforting HIM! He had been feeling utterly devastated.
"Adelaide, that your fighting spirit hasn't been lost is the best Christmas gift I have been given. And I believe you WILL walk again. When you leave this place I will be right there to walk with you."
Two months later, I did and he did.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
A Very Special Theatre Moment...
Safe place...
Like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing...
Nowhere can you get that happy feeling
There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low
Yesterday they told you, you would not go far
That night you open and there you are
Next day you are a star
Let's go on with the show!
The costumes, the scenery, the makeup, the props
The audience that lifts you when you're down
The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops...
The opening when your heart beats like a drum
They smile when they are low...
You may be stranded out in the cold
But you still wouldn't change it for a sack of gold
Let's go on with the show, let's go on with the show!
Monday, October 26, 2020
Crossing paths with the famous...
When working in Theatre one sometimes meets the famous along the way, and my life has just happened to cross paths with a few...
Prior to the performance when life backstage can really get crazy, the two of us passed each other. The first was Baryshnikov and a entourage of people around him, while I with brushes in my hands and paint on my face was in a rush.
The second time he was alone and stopped me. He said, "I could not help but notice you..."
I responded with my usual humor by saying, "Oh crap! Is it because of the paint on my face?!!"
And he burst out laughing. We briefly chatted then Baryshnikov asked, "Will you be staying for the performance?"
"I plan to watch it from the wings! Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
And I was there.
After Baryshnikov's performance he was given roses, and more than one standing ovation. As the curtains finally fell he gave me a rose saying, "This is for meeting you, and THIS is for the paint you still have on your face." And THAT, was a kiss!
Another performer I was so blessed to meet was the dear actor Harold Gould. He starred in many stage productions, television shows and movies, including one of my favorites, "The Sting." Mr. Gould came to town with a stage production he was in.
We met backstage when he couldn't find the way to his dressing room. Being a Little Person throws open the door for conversations one normally would not get to have. Mr. Gould said, "I can't help but notice you are a Little Person!"
"Oh dear! Is it THAT noticeable?!!"
He laughed so hard.
Then we had the nicest conversation. It turns out he also loved horses. As soon as he learned about mine, he asked, "How do you get ON your horse?!!" (I am asked this SO much, if I ever write a book that question should be the title)😂
After the performance we had coffee and a delightful conversation together in his hotel lounge talking about life, dreams, art, "The Sting," and horses before going our separate ways.
The next person I am going to share here, is someone most of you may have never heard of, however, those who know theatre will know of this incredible lady, Betty Comden. Her writing partnership with Adolph Green was the longest one in theatre history lasting six decades. They provided the lyrics and screenplays to some of the most beloved Hollywood musicals and Broadway shows ever. "Singing In The Rain" is just one of them.
How we met is really funny. In New York, on a crowded street in the Theatre District one day when I was doing a Design Workshop there, a lady literally ran into me, nearly knocking me over. This happens to Little People a lot you see, when people not expecting a hooman to be way down here will plow right into us.😱
Immediately as she began profusely apologizing, I blurted out, "You're Betty Comden! WOW, it is such a pleasure to meet you!" Which then shocked the hell
Both of us had a free moment so we went to a nearby coffee shop, spending a delightful time talking theatre, Set Design, art, dreams, poetry, jewelry, horses. "Dear, if you don't mind me asking, how DO you get ON your horse?!!"😂
Though I have met other famous people, I am only going to share one more here. And believe me, this is someone known worldwide. None other than Colonel Harland Sanders himself, creator of Kentucky Fried Chicken, whose home was close to the farm where I boarded some of my horses.
We first met when he was the Grand Marshall of a
"Oh crap! I didn't think it was showing!"
He got a huge kick out of my humor.
So about a year later one day, as I was riding my pony Sadie off farm a limo suddenly pulled up beside us, and it was Colonel Sanders who recognized me because my dwarfism was still showing.🤣
"Little One, I told Miss Claudia (his wife) about you, and she would just love to meet you. Can you come on up to our place? PLEEZE?"
How could I possibly turn The Colonel down? Sadie and I headed up to their place, where The Colonel and Miss Claudia were waiting. They had been married for decades and clearly adored each other. And they both had a question they wanted to ask. "Honey, HOW do you get ON your horses?"
That became the first of several delightful visits where we sipped tea and talked.
But knowing how fiercely The Colonel was known for guarding the secret of his very famous Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe, I knew better than to ever dare ask what was in it, regardless of how darn cute he said I was.😂
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Step stool moments...
Saturday, October 24, 2020
The greatest gift ever...
I was very blessed though with the four amazing, dear mentor friends when I needed help the most while I was a young seventeen year old living on my own. Each were many years older than me.
Joseph made me see how my upbringing and the onslaught of mean public ridicule caused me to carry
Joseph had me use my artistic abilities to make what he called a "Dwarf Card" on large poster board made to look just like a real credit card. Only this "credit card" entitled one to feel. He then had me list all the negative, paralyzing feelings which arose each time I was so rudely ridiculed.
Then we went through them all one by one, discussing them. One for instance was a feeling of deep shame. Joseph made me see I had absolutely no reason to feel shame, especially with all the amazing things I could do and the strong person I am. He enabled me to see how I was allowing strangers and all the ways my mother blamed me have power with their terrible words.
After we talked about all the things on my "dwarf card" one by one and worked through each one over a period of time we had that grand burning ceremony which became my "freeing" ceremony. Through Joseph I slayed, and I mean SLAYED the dragon of my mother and the ugly deep pain the "midget" word had instilled within me.
We are all unique, my dear ones. May you love and believe in yourself. Walk tall and embrace your very unique worth with gratitude...💫
Friday, October 23, 2020
Those insidious Labels...
I have shared how as soon as I leave my home, I encounter the RUDE, mean Label Givers, and have all my life. To Little People the word midget is as deeply offensive to us as the "N" word is to African Americans. Yet many could care less. It is the more insidious, demeaning Label aspect I/we endure. Though I have refused to let it define me. If I did, I never would have become who I am.👍
Many years ago I spoke to a very nice lady (on the phone at least) about an apartment she had for rent. She was quite impressed with my job and the fact I also owned a horse. Was keen to meet and show the apartment to me. When she opened the door to have Adelaide standing before her, she immediately changed. SCREAMED at me, "What gives YOU the right to rent my apartment, you MIDGET!!!" And slammed the door in my face.😖
When I was sought after as a speaker, it was because I was known as being a powerful speaker who inspired. The Little Person negativity Label didn't even exist in people's minds.
Obviously I am physically a Little Person, there is no denying this. However, it's when "Little Person" morphs into societies' Label with all its negativity, that IT becomes dehumanizing. And THIS is the problem with what The Labels🏷 are. The humanity with respect is lost. That is, aside from the part of society who is NOT concerned with these insidious Labels.
Unless The Labels 🏷 ever change, it is up to us who are Labelled to become strong in self 🙌 respect, to love and to believe in ourselves. And to also be darn sure we have those around us who embrace us free of Labels.
One thing for certain though, in my whole life, I have never ever had ANYONE say anything negative about me when I am on or with one of my horses! No Labels there!
Thursday, October 22, 2020
When dwarfism is tough...
Webster's definition of adapt is to bring one thing into correspondence with another; modification or yielding to changing circumstances; bringing into harmony.
One thing I refuse to do on my journey of encountering this crap is not lower myself to THEIR level. For you see I learned MANY years ago if I dared to give these non-humans the finger or deliver an F-Bomb their ridicule became worse. Or THEY would become enraged because I had the audacity to respond to them with THEIR level of disrespect! How dare I not remain in place as being the scum OBJECT of their ridicule!
Prior to my becoming homebound due to the severe deterioration of my health in recent years each time I went to the grocery store and other places my height challenge necessitated my needing to constantly ask other customers in getting down what I needed. It was/is amazing how much this becomes a blessing to those I ask for their help.
So often people are deep in their own thoughts and worries then suddenly there is someone cheerfully asking for their help who obviously has worse problems than they do. Their faces suddenly light up. Many times I have been told how nice it was for them to be needed. And when I have had to ask someone for help who was not that much taller than me THEY really delighted in the fact they ran into someone shorter than themselves who THEY could help! You wouldn't believe all the wonderful, positive, inspiring interactions with people I have had while shopping!
However, over the years though I have learned there are many Little People who absolutely refuse to ask for help when they can't reach what they need. Even with people standing right there offering to help these individuals climb on the shelves and merchandise, knocking stuff over to get what they need.
I cannot agree with this method. Their "I can do this myself" pride is one reason they do it. Proving one is not helpless is another. Yet because these are taken to such extremes I believe their reasons loudly backfire. And on us all.
Anyway tall-lies often forget WE are living in a world not made for us, that we constantly must struggle to adapt ourselves into. Many must use hand controls to drive or pedal extensions. Though I am "tall" enough to reach the pedals without extensions I am required to use them. I don't mind. We adapt. Motion sensors are another thing as I have shared in a funny blog here. We are still trying to adapt to these.😂
And our homes have LOTS of stools. I just counted NINE in use. In a one bedroom apartment. Stools are quite necessary.🤣 Not only that, but all my kitchen cupboards up above are as HIGH as Mount Everest and are EMPTY. So are the upper shelves in my closets. We adapt. We HAVE to adapt.🤔
Dwarfism is especially tough with the unending physical challenges we endure. Like many my long arm and leg bones did not grow normally. However, I/we carry the same muscle mass squeezed and jammed around our long bones as an average size person has. Think of this. I am 4'1" but have the same muscle mass as a 5' 7-9" woman. Having this huge amount of muscle jammed around my short long bones causes pain both neurologically and arthritically, besides not having cartilage. This is not even counting the severe spine pain I live with. My spinal cord inflammation disease has all but shut my bladder, stomach, and colon down. The pain and nausea are severely worsening from the complications and infections. This part of my dwarfism is tough.
Yet I still keep pouring all the love, gratitude, harmony, courage, humor, and fighting spirit into my world as I always have. For you see even though my shattered body dwells in a world it doesn't fit in nothing will ever break this indomitable spirit of mine.🐎😃🐎
My dear Readers,
I recently learned October is now Dwarfism Awareness month, with this Sunday, the 25th being World Dwarfism Awareness Day.
Though this Galloping blog has hopefully been bringing Awareness around the world to life as a TALL Little Person since it began, I will be posting specific pieces the next few days including Sunday in honor of this.
As always I am deeply grateful to have all of you on this blogging journey with me.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Adelaide Bits, Part I...
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Tough faith...
I think there is a common thread running through all as the beginning of faith is found in all hearts if we walk in love. Years ago I heard a dear minister say in respect to all beliefs in faith, "One should remember when we eat a bar of chocolate we don't sit there trying to analyze all the ingredients in it...we simply accept the goodness of it." I have always loved that analogy.🍫
Now then, touching on faith...just faith.
Church was not in my childhood, yet even as a very young child I somehow instinctively knew there was a God, and He was simply my Father In The Stars Above because I had nowhere else to turn in my living hell. I would gaze at the stars and talk to Him every night pouring my darkness up to my Father In The Stars Above. It was because I had nowhere else to turn my faith became a strong loving one which has continued all through my very challenging journey.🐎
In my talks when asked to speak about faith, I often referred to having a tough faith for the daunting challenges one may face in life. When asked what I mean by tough faith, it is faith with a persevering trust in however we believe. And it is a loving trust as faith isn't always feeling. Tough faith is trusting we are loved and being sustained whether we feel it or not.
Monday, October 19, 2020
That one summer...
During Patches' first summer Kentucky was suffering from a devastating drought. My feed store kept me in alfalfa hay for him though, which got him through such a critical time. However, Patches had a problem necessitating emergency surgery at the worst possible time. Normally he would have been gelded (neutered) in late fall or winter when flies have gone and when he was older. But Patches had a problem that would soon compromise his urinary function. There was no choice but to geld him right smack in the midst of a horribly dusty fly ridden intensely hot drought summer.
We had to do it in a flat area of a dried up pasture. Dr. Stone and his assistant first injected Patches with a dose of anesthesia, then I walked him in a circle. As soon as he began wobbling the assistant was ready with a sterile sheet. Just as Patches began going down the sheet was placed underBy the time the last stitch was put in, Patches began waking up. Horses are flight animals, so when scared they want to get away...even if they can barely stand. They become terrified by the effects
I began rubbing Patches' head hard as I kept talking to him. For a few moments I had to really hold onto him as he tried to get away by staggering off. I kept talking and making him look at me. Gradually his eyes came back into focus, and I could see he was beginning to recognize me. Suddenly he began rubbing his head up and down against me very hard. Patches was going to be all right.
Dr. Stone who had known me for quite some time, said, "You know, Adelaide, it never ceases to amaze me the bond you have with your horses...especially this little one. How did you two come together?"
So I told him the amazing story of how Patches, the tiny three month old "dangerous runt" bound for slaughter and I came together, immediately forging a very deep bond.
"Wow. What a powerful story! You really should write about this, you know?"
"Maybe I will someday. Our journey has only just begun."🙃
Eighteen months later Patches and I did The Ride, and thousands soon took us into their hearts. Dr. Stone was the vet who came and did the paperwork we needed in order to cross state lines.
"You really need to write this story now, promise?"
"Don't worry, I will! I promise!"
Sunday, October 18, 2020
That Day Of 146 Tornadoes...
On 3 April 1974, an extraordinary, very powerful weather phenomena rapidly unfolded forecasters had never seen before, or since. Three volatile weather systems were about to collide.
"I doubt anyone else has either."
By then the National Weather Service knew Kentucky was really in for it, and we were ordered to remain where we were if it was safe. But suddenly "safe" seemed quite elusive in light of the many more tornadoes which kept touching down all around us. Some in the same places already hit.
All through the night police, fire, and ambulance sirens kept blaring. The National Weather Service had to keep blaring its alarm on the radio too, over and over as tornado after tornado struck. They urgently had to keep repeating again and again, "Take cover NOW! I repeat, TAKE COVER NOW!" Even national radio programs broadcast during the night cancelled their regularly scheduled programs to focus instead on Kentucky.
Obviously we, nor most of Kentucky slept.
Louisville was a horrible mess, with so much major destruction. Video was taken the next day from a helicopter showing the whole path the tornado took. It was astounding. The path made by the tornado was not only very long but a few miles wide too.
It was the same in Brandenburg and Stamping Ground where the two other Category 5 tornadoes struck. Not even counting all the other tornadoes that hit Kentucky and beyond. The little town of Xenia, Ohio, just across the Ohio River from Kentucky was also hit by one of the Category 5 tornadoes. It too, was wiped off the map with a large loss of life.
As in all situations like this good comes shining forth. Since this tragedy struck only three weeks before The Kentucky Derby, there was talk of having to do the unthinkable...cancelling it. Though the famous tulips were all gone, it was the other severe damage at the track everyone was concerned about and the daunting task of repairing it in time. Then a very amazing thing happened. A plane from the Netherlands arrived in Louisville loaded with tulips. So dear. And that settled it. The Kentucky Derby would go on.
One very serious thing officials realized in the aftermath was how lacking a warning system we had for tornadoes. Immediately, a change happened. A huge one. Even the other tornado alley states like Kentucky took notice of what was done and changed their warning systems based upon ours. Hundreds of tall tornado sirens were installed throughout the whole state, so that no matter where anyone is in Kentucky, if a siren goes off, it is heard because there are so many of them strategically located from one end of the state to the other. And they have saved lives many times since, including mine. In addition, the state has always invested in the latest weather technology regardless of cost.
Hopefully Kentucky will never experience another day like The Day Of 146 Tornadoes ever again. And Adelaide too.