Monday, April 19, 2021

Barefoot, Riding, And Blowing Bubbles On A Backroad...

God took a handful of southerly wind, blew His breath over it, and created the horse.
                                         ~Bedouin Legend

Years before Patches came along I boarded my beloved horse Selah at the same farm.  Selah was a beautiful bay horse with black mane, tail, and lower legs, as well as having a white blaze.

One of the other boarders had a yearling colt pony they were trying to decide if they should have gelded or not.  [Ahem...for those unfamiliar with equine terminology, a gelded horse is the same as a neutered cat or dog.😄]

When those of us who owned mares expressed concern to Pete about how much longer was he going to wait, he of course insisted there was no way Rocky could impregnate the mares.  Was way too young he said.  Couldn't possibly reach them anyway he said.

By Fall it was obvious to those of us with mares to see we had EXPECTING mares thanks to Rocky, "the way too young who couldn't possibly reach the mares" yearling pony colt who was then very quickly removed from the farm after all the fun he managed to have.😂

In Spring the foals began coming.  Selah gave birth to a lovely little filly I named Rachel.  I was there when she was born and we immediately bonded.

Since I could not afford to keep two horses I knew I would need to sell Rachel and it wasn't going to be easy.  Nevertheless, when she was old enough to be weaned I had her moved to another farm.  After she was almost two, like with Patches later I simply began riding her because of the sweet bond we had.

This farm was located near trails reached by various backroads.

One Summer day riding bareback in my bare feet blowing huge bubblegum bubbles, I was riding Rachel down one of the backroads to reach the trails.

A man in a car slowly passed us.  He turned around 
and passed us again slowly.  

Then he turned around yet again and came back towards us.  By this point I was obviously very uneasy in the middle of nowhere.  On my horse.  Suddenly the man stopped and got out of his car.

By the look on my face he quickly reassured me and showed me his newspaper I.D. and camera explaining he was a photographer for the newspaper.  He LOVED the image of Rachel and I riding her bareback in my bare feet blowing bubbles.  He asked for permission to take our photo.  

The next day there we were Rachel and I on the front page with my face mostly obscured by this gigantic bubble I was asked to please, PLEASE blow for the proper effect.  The dear photo (I am trying to locate) was titled, "Blowing Bubbles On Horseback."

Being a Little Person had nothing to even do with it and I absolutely loved this!

And do you know what else?  The newspaper received several calls from people wanting to know if Rachel was for sale!

I interviewed each one then checked them out first before deciding on the one who would buy Rachel.  She went on to have a much loved happy life all because one bright Summer day we were on a backroad in the middle of nowhere with me blowing big bubblegum bubbles while riding bareback and barefoot...🐎😃🐎💫

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