Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Safest Place...

When theatre has grabbed your heart one of the safest places to be in the world is the stage....assuming of course a theatre light doesn't come crashing down, or the stage gets waxed by mistake making it slippery as hell sending an actor flying into the orchestra pit, or a new acting intern doesn't play with the Scene Designer's nail gun as if it were a toy, or a props mistress doesn't tip over a huge bucket of marbles that roll across the stage in all directions during a performance, or acting interns who are supposed to be singing in a chorus don't find a way to hang a rope from the proscenium arch somehow late one night to swing on that causes a near disaster the next night during a performance, or the new falling rain machine doesn't malfunction nearly drowning the Scene and Lighting Designers working on a set, or...well...uh...ahem...like I said, for those of us who gave our hearts to theatre the stage really IS the safest, best, most fun, most wonderful place in the world to be because you see...

There's no business like show business 
Like no business I know 
Everything about it is appealing...
Nowhere can you get that happy feeling 

There's no people like show people 
They smile when they are low 
Yesterday they told you, you would not go far 
That night you open and you're a star
Let's go on with the show!

The costumes, the scenery, the makeup, the props 
The audience that lifts you when you're down 
The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops...
The opening when your heart beats like a drum 
The closing when the audience doesn't come

There's no people like show people 
They smile even when they are low...
You may be stranded out in the cold 
But still you wouldn't change it for a sack of gold 
Let's go on with the show, let's go on with the show!

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