Sunday, April 4, 2021

Flying Without Wings...

Did you know that every three fourths of each stride a galloping horse makes is spent in the air?  Three fourths!  I have always cherished the quote, "When God created the horse He said, 'And thou shalt fly without wings.'"  This is why galloping across the fields for me was flying.

In all the decades I owned horses I only ever had two injury accidents, which were not their fault.  Or mine.

The first involved soaring across a field on my horse Bashum.  We apparently disturbed these huge grasshoppers and one suddenly flew into Bashum's eye.  He stumbled west and I flew east...with my tailbone connecting with the ground first.  We were a LONG way from the barn phone and my car.  

Thankfully we were near a fallen tree I managed to climb on.  We made it to the barn.  Bashum's eye was torn in the corner so I called the vet to come.  Then I had to leave driving myself to the ER.  I feared two things:  that I injured my spine, and/or my dear orthopaedic surgeon was going to kill me.

He fell over laughing.  

It turned out I only fractured my tailbone.  In two places.  

Bashum's eye had to be treated with medicine but all was fine there too.

The other injury involved my horse Selah.  It was summer.  I was barefoot.  In order for a Little Person like myself to put a bridle on a horse I had to lean into her to get the head strap over her ears.  Summer means flies.  At the exact moment I was leaning into Selah to do the head strap she raised her hoof to knock away a fly.

Only when she put her hoof back down it was ON MY FOOT.  She couldn't know it so I had to push her off but because of the position we were both in she TWISTED off my foot.  Then I did what any respectable owner would do...I rode her.  Thirty minutes later I looked down at my foot.  By then it was three times its' size and every color.  Oops.

I rode Selah to my car, fed her, then drove myself to the ER.  Again my very dear orthopaedic surgeon fell over laughing.

I was lucky.  Because I was barefoot everything was only severely bruised and kind of torn...not crushed.

To this day though I proudly have Selah's clear hoofprint on my right foot.

In five decades these were my only injury accidents.  And not their fault!😄

That I was so blessed to fly without wings for many years I had been given a gift worth the price of a very bent tailbone, and a hoof shaped scar on my right foot I am so darn proud I have.

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