Sunday, April 4, 2021


My Dear Twitter & Blogger Readers,

Last summer I dug deep into my courage by posting three brief videos of myself so all may both hear and see your Adelaide in real time since the news media is currently having trouble locating the huge amount of pieces done on Patches and I, and the Art and Theatre related pieces.  Eventually these will be found.

Since I now gratefully have many more of you along on this Galloping Surviva-soaring Journey of mine I am posting the videos again.  Partly out of necessity as my laptop is now so old all my Blogging, Hosting, and Tweeting must be done via my Smartphone.  However my phone is reaching a place where I must free up space.  If all goes well I at least hope to be able to store these videos on my laptop to preserve them until I win a Lottery, find a pot of gold where a rainbow ends, or something and can upgrade.😂

So before attempting to transfer these videos to my laptop without killing it is another reason to share these again should I lose them in the process.🙃

At the time I made these videos I look better than I do now as I am losing weight, the pain and nausea are taking a toll, DARK circles are under my eyes and my colour is awful, but my indomitable spirit is STRONG and always has and always WILL remain STRONG.

When Aiden and I purchased the car I needed and still drive a few years before he died, it was used with just under 80,000 miles on it.  Sometime during these next few days it will reach 200,000 miles and I will reach the age of 65!  An age I was not expected to get anywhere close to reaching, nor my car, nor my laptop, but here we are!😃👍💫

Anyway, following this will begin the videos assuming Twitter does not give me problems posting them.

As always, I am profoundly grateful to have all of you along for the Ride with me.🐎🥰🐎💫

Hugs and appreciation to you all,


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