Tuesday, July 20, 2021


My Dear Readers, I have been concerned about a mistake briefly made in a blog posted a few days ago and feel I should explain what happened because it matters to me.

I posted two brand new hilarious theatre stories, the last to share on the subject.  As many of you know I kept journals through the decades because I was constantly begged to put my stories in writing, as I finally have here with you.  If not for the many journals and loose pages documenting details and even most conversations, this blog would not exist for my many life experiences were far too vast to call upon with memory alone.

As my laptop is ancient, I can do less and less on it as Twitter & Blogger no longer handle my old version of Windows.  So this has forced me to use my Smartphone for everything, which believe me, is not always easy.  Even so, I manage...mostly.😳 

During these recent months with the huge Upheaval, things have really been crazy, and physical pain much worse.  When I manage to put out new blogs taken from my journals, to make the process easier using such a small device, I photo the page, then copy and paste it to the empty blog page I will be writing the piece on.  This helps me tremendously by having it right before me. 

This is what I did when writing up the two hilarious theatre pieces a few days ago.  The second of the two is the very funny "Band-aid" story, and if you have not had a chance to read it yet, please do as it could not be a more hilarious story for the final, personal theatre story to share here.

Now soon after the hilarious Band-aid event happened, I had to abruptly enter the hospital for my fourth spine surgery.  Though serious, it was less invasive than the previous three, as adhesions needed to be removed from the earlier spine surgeries.  Thankfully my recuperation time was not as long. 

While in hospital, Jeff, The Stage Manager in the Band-aids story, told me he wrote about what happened in a letter to friends, for this was still in the dark ages when people wrote letters on paper to each other. 

As I had not been able to get to my journals, I asked Jeff to send me a copy from the section of his letter telling the story.  This then found its way into being stuffed loosely in a old journal I recently rediscovered with the other story I shared.

Eventually, I too had written up the story from my perspective, but in more detail...especially after I saw what Jeff wrote!  He definitely was not a writer!🤣.  And HIS version was filled with F-bombs!🙄  When I asked him about that, he said it was because it was former high school friends he was writing to & they tended to equate working in theatre as being feminine, so he was writing the way he thought they expected him to sound...MANLY.🤪  

ANYWAY, when writing up my blog story about the event, I had copied & pasted Jeff's version too, though I did not really need it.  I had promised all of you I would be posting the second new funny blog that evening and I was in a huge rush to get it done. 

At the same time my cats were DEMANDING to be fed too. So in a hurry I posted the blog.  Then about three minutes later it suddenly hit me!  OMG!  I forgot to remove Jeff's version at the bottom!😨 

I immediately did, but saw one person had read it who I have alerted regarding my mistake.  Still, I have been concerned about anyone else having read the piece during those three minutes too that I am unaware of, so I decided I should just plunge in writing a READER Letter explaining this for all, if anyone else had read the piece with Jeff's crude retelling pasted at the bottom. 

The LAST thing I want is for anyone to ever think I plagiarized something when that DEFINITELY was not happening.  Just another set of a comedy of errors in the life of your Adelaide.🤣   

Again, your blog support means more than words can express my appreciation to you for.  My gratitude has no bounds.

As also promised recently, I have a behind the stage photo journey I am currently putting together for you, and a very special piece on Vaudeville I think you will really like.  These are my way to keep sharing new stuff with you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, my dear ones.


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