Sunday, December 6, 2020

Two Very Amazing Horses Of Mine...

Havilla was the only one of all my horses who never came to me when I called her.  Though I would have to go get Havilla, she never made an attempt to run away from me.  

Havilla, who was black, was extremely close to a beautiful gold palomino horse named Strand and the two were always together.  Yet when I would take Havilla away from Strand they were never upset being separated as some horses become.  When done with Havilla I noticed she would neigh for Strand and wait for him as he came to her.  Then the two would go on their way.

Watching the two one day, I noticed how after Strand came to Havilla, as they left Havilla was constantly touching his rump with her nose.  Then it suddenly hit me, something was wrong with her eyes!  Soon after the vet confirmed it.  After I told him about Strand being her eyes we both marvelled at HOW did they work this out?  HOW did Strand understand she needed him in that way?๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’•

The farm where I boarded some of my horses was 200 acres with only the outer perimeter fenced.  There was a long driveway that wound its way through the property.  If Patches saw my car coming, I wouldn't even have to call him, because he KNEW my car!  He would come running, then follow or trot along side the car until we reached our special place.

Since two other boarders had cars the same color as mine with similar shapes, I asked them if Patches ever followed their cars thinking it was me.  He didn't.  Yet he KNEW exactly which was MY car from a long distance.  Amazing.

The miracle and wonder of horses...but then, I am really very prejudiced, you see.๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ซ

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