Sunday, June 13, 2021


My Dear Twitter And Blogger Readers,

First it is hard to believe but this blog will soon have been read by twenty-three thousand people in thirty-eight countries throughout the planet.  Both very astounding and profoundly touching to me.

In one year, three months, and sixteen days of its existence I have posted seven hundred ninety-one pieces.  However these include the reposting of pieces along the way, many quotes, and numerous Reader Messages.

The two most read blog pieces are, "When I Saved My Horse Patches From Slaughter," which is way up there.  Then not far behind this is my "Becoming" quote which had been at the top a long time.  [It is not what your challenges may DO to you in life, it is what you CHOOSE to BECOME by your challenges that matters most through life.]

The third most read piece was a recent one I wrote on the wings of hurt and anger in a hour.  I share hosting duties in a group and on a day I was not present a person made it clear he was all for dwarf tossing despite knowing I am a Little Person.  A friend and fellow host very strongly stressed how wrong this is and tried to get him to please reconsider.  The man made it clear he would not.  Though I know this person never reads this blog I realized there are still barbaric people out there who think this is okay.  The huge problem we Little People have with this is that those who have been out drinking with friends who happen to come upon a Little Person just getting off from work or whatever.  The next thing they know they are being hurled through the air multiple times by a bunch of drunk men who think it fun because we are seen as objects instead of having humanity.  Many victims of this have been severely maimed and traumatized for life.  Even I was nearly tossed by a group of drunk men but was kept safe by screaming friends and police who happened to be near.  Nevertheless the chilling terror I felt remains below the surface.

The fact this blog piece on dwarf tossing immediately soared so high so rapidly touched me deeply.  Many had been unaware this happens, thus were educated which is something I can feel proud about.  Even just touching on this here for a moment may reach more unaware this is happening and dear ones, this is good!

The remaining two of my top five blogs ever are my infamous funny piece answering the question I am asked most in my life, "How DO You Get ON Your Horse?!!" followed by "The Famous Goldfish Caper," the fifth most read piece thus far.

At present I still have a few remaining new blogs in the works.  As shared, I began this blog with the intent of writing about my hilarious, inspiring, amazing, and very full journey prior to my current place of very deteriorating health...that is, physically.  Never in spirit.

So other than the remaining new blogs to finish, I have shared my journey here.  Yet I have completed such a large body of daily blogs, repostings can go on indefinitely.

This brings us to a new type of blog I will have completed to share tomorrow.  For now it shall be a surprise, but I am anxious for your feedback.  It will be something I do once every week or two.  And I hope you find it fun.

Well my dear ones, please forgive this long Reader's letter!  Most of all, as always, my words cannot begin to express how much your support and the joy of having you on this journey means to me.  How grateful I am!

Stay strong, optimistic, keep a gratitude attitude, embrace yourself in creativity, fun, and most of all, live love.



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