Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Horse Miracles In My Grasp...

The following two pieces are not enough for a blog entire yet powerfully illustrate why horses forever hold my heart.  They are also why I feel so deeply privileged and profoundly grateful to have been born with the soul of a horse.  Though I may say I "owned" seven horses for over five decades, I did not.  They were mine, yes, yet they were my galloping partners of the Magic we shared.  Each one KNEW how deeply they were Loved.  And even needed.

Havilla was the only one of all my horses who never came to me when I called her.  Though I would have to go get Havilla, she never made an attempt to run away from me.  

Havilla, who was black, was extremely close to a beautiful gold palomino horse named Strand and the two were always together.  Yet when I would take Havilla away from Strand they were never upset being separated as some horses become.  When done with Havilla I noticed she would neigh for Strand and wait for him as he came to her.  Then the two would go on their way.

Watching the two one day I noticed how after Strand came to Havilla, as they left Havilla was constantly touching his rump with her nose.  Then it suddenly hit me, something was wrong with her eyes!  

Soon after the vet confirmed it.  After I told him about Strand being her eyes, we both marvelled at HOW did they work this out?  HOW did Strand understand she needed him in THAT way?🐎πŸ₯°πŸŽπŸ’«

The farm where I boarded some of my horses was 250 acres with only the outer perimeter fenced.  There was a long driveway that wound its way through the property.  If Patches saw my car coming I would not even need to call him because he KNEW my car!  

Patches would come running then follow or trot along side the car until we reached our special place beneath a grove of trees.

Since two other boarders had cars the same colour as mine with similar shapes, I asked them if Patches ever followed their cars thinking it was me.  He never did.  Yet he KNEW exactly which was MY car from a very long distance.  Amazing.

The miracle and wonder of horses...but then, I am really very VERY prejudiced you see.πŸŽπŸ˜ƒπŸŽπŸ’•πŸ’«

Patches was in the high pasture upper left of photo when he heard me call him after an absence of four months while I learned to walk again the second time.  I had been very concerned Patches may not remember me, but he beautifully put my concern to rest by loudly neighing after hearing me call him, then came charging to me.  I was using one of those disposable winding cameras back then.  Here he is charging up the hill to me so excited, he was trying to neigh but instead kept "squeaking" with joy as 
he galloped.  Unfortunately before I could get a closer shot, Patches had arrived and was already very happily rubbing his head up and down me again and again.πŸ₯°

Havilla...within months of owning her I realized she clearly had vision problems, mainly revealed to me in the extraordinary way Strand became her eyes.😍  She had lost her vision to a eye condition unrecognized prior to entering my life.  Her Equine Eye Veterinarian had a client who had a blind horse in a safe set-up built for him and she was looking for a blind companion horse.  So I gratefully donated Havilla to this lady and Havilla was able to live a safe, cared for, happy life for years to come despite being blind.  Because of Havilla's blindness, I discovered a tiny three month old foal bound for slaughter and made him mine for twenty-nine amazing, wonderful years until his passing...and his name was Patches.😊

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