Tuesday, January 26, 2021

When we embrace nature...

Think about it.  Many are reaching a place either 
at the end of their lives, or even much younger, realizing they haven't LIVED life.  They haven't stopped their frantic pace long enough to appreciate, to explore, to know themselves, to know those around them, to know nature, to create, to laugh, to be inspired, to be at peace, or to love.

When we do not quiet ourselves our soul or psyche cannot be at peace or grow.  Many do not even know how to nurture or understand their inner 
self or even how to stop long enough to try.  

In a sense, all of my vast time spent in hospitals taught me well.  Confined to a bed ones' options of what matters gets narrowed down drastically.  So I kept a box packed specifically for hospital stays.  In it were treasured books like those by Thoreau, Emerson...those who inspired me, photos of my horses, my boombox and a bunch of tapes I made of what I refer to as "my soaring music."  The box also contained a sketchbook, drawing pencils, and oil pastels, so I could create if I felt able to, and often did.  Staff and other patients would often gather outside my door just to listen to my music because it touched them too, and lifted them.  I never went to a hospital without my survival box.  We all need a survival box for our inner selves whether we spend half our lives in hospitals or 

As I have touched on here, during the intervals when I was not in hospitals, I would plunge back into my life and work like there was no tomorrow because I never knew when I would be back in a hospital.  Yet during those intervals of plunging, I was also with whichever horse I owned at the time everyday, keeping centered with the gifts of nature which have always sustained me deeply.  My life would still be very full and busy but centered.๐Ÿ’ซ

Isn't it interesting, how the very devices that make our lives easier, and connect us to the world, are making people busier than ever, throwing people into the rapid pace I touched upon earlier?  These very devices people escape into so one does not HAVE to know oneself?

Part of the reason why I became in demand as a speaker is I caught the attention of people long enough to enable them to look within and be inspired to live more deeply.  If you're reading this blog you likely have discovered by now the sharing of my life, humor, horses, with you hopefully has the same effect.  At least this is my hope.

Amazing things happen when we become quiet and listen.  Thoreau's time spent at Walden Pond pausing, has inspired thousands and still does.  Spending anytime with nature does because nature is such a great teacher.

Thoreau went to the woods because he wanted to seek and be taught...to live deeply...to suck out the marrow of life.  And not discover when he came to the end of his life, he had not lived.

Nurture yourselves...seek nature and listening, my dear ones.  Oh, and it may not hurt to have your own "Survival Box" too.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ซ


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