Sunday, March 7, 2021

Be Kind Out There...

I shall pass through this world but once, 
If there is any kindness I can show, 
Or any good thing I can do, 
Let me do it now, 
For I shall not pass this way again.    ~Grellet

People seldom know this about me but I am partially deaf.  I have had such severe ear problems several surgeries were needed.  Unfortunately the violence I lived with as a child caused pieces of the mastoid bone to break off deep inside my left ear.  Surgery was unsuccessful.  

Not knowing how much worse my deafness could become, as a young adult I learned Sign Language and lip reading which have brought unexpected blessings along the way.

Some of the best are when I have encountered a deaf person having trouble communicating in places like a hospital where I would be.  Imagine their joy and relief when I happened to be there too and could help.

The best ever experience was when I moved to a new city into a apartment across the hall from a dear elderly lady who was deaf.  I had heard she was a very sad, lonely woman and shunned people but no one knew why.  One day I decided to introduce myself to her when I saw her in the hallway.  She pointed to both her ears and shook her head "no," indicating she was deaf. 

What sheer joy came over her face when I began "speaking" to her in Sign Language!  She could hardly believe finding someone who could communicate with her, and for her!  She was overjoyed! 

For the remainder of Laura's life I was her lifeline.  Even the one who found her after she passed away.  For the final time I communicated on her behalf with the police and coroner as she had entrusted me with everything that was needed by them.

When Laura discovered someone who opened the window of communication for her, she became a different person, joining get togethers and casting her isolation aside.  Her world changed and others got to see her in a whole new light.

We never know what a powerful gift kindness can become until we share it, because you see my dear ones, therein lies the power of kindness.  


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