Monday, March 29, 2021

Pied Piper Adelaide...

The following two pieces are not enough for a blog entire, yet I sincerely hope that maybe they will brighten your day. 

As shared in this blog I have two very serious blood
conditions with a rare form of hemophilia causing my blood to suddenly not clot and chronic anemia. Because of these I had to be hospitalized twice as a young adult on Pediatric Oncology Wards to receive a new powerful drug which had to be administered directly into my bone marrow.  The procedure itself was not so bad but the drug caused severe pain in my bones.  At times it even felt as if my hair hurt.

Anyway, I would have to be hospitalized in the Ward for nearly two months.  Because of my uniqueness as being about the same height as the children on the Ward, and an adult who was a patient like them, I was like their Pied Piper.  Along the way in this blog I have shared some very touching stories during these Pediatric Oncology Ward intervals here.

The children loved my sense of fun, that I was a artist who could draw them pictures of special requests they could then colour.  Most of all they loved when I told them stories about my horses and what it was like to soar across fields on their barebacks faster than the wind.

With my second stint in the Pediatric Oncology Ward I had to be given a more potent round of drugs into my bone marrow.  For awhile Adelaide The Pied Piper was a very sick little Pied Piper.  Yet with so many children on the Ward hoping their Pied Piper would make it, Addy (as I was known since many kids couldn't quite pronounce Adelaide) HAD to pull through for their sake!

Whenever I had to be admitted to The Ward, besides my boombox I would also take my in-line rollerblades with me.  When I was well enough to do this I would visit the kids by rollerblading to their rooms and they absolutely LOVED it.  Parents loved how Addy and her rollerblading visits had a way of not only cheering their child up but cheering them up too.  This is what I have always strived to do though since very young.  As I have shared so often, the deeper sorrow carves into our soul the more joy we attain.  By bringing others a moment of cheer or fun, I was filling the void my childhood sorrows carved with happinesses of healing.

I may no longer gallop on horses, hang upside-down from a rope swing high above a rocky ravine, or rollerblade, but I still am that little Pied Piper trying to bring gifts of inspiration or love and laughter everywhere I am.

The last time I had the bone marrow treatment six year old twins Marla and Macy were patients.  Macy was battling leukemia but because the girls shared a rare blood type the doctors needed Marla to give Macy a blood transfusion.  Macy's Oncologist (and mine) thought he explained the procedure clearly enough for six year old Marla to fully understand how the procedure would unfold.

Not quite.

Marla appeared terrified for a moment then took a deep breath.  She told our Oncologist how much she loved Macy and their Mommy and Daddy and hoped her blood would make Macy better.

When our Oncologist told Marla the transfusion was nearly done she fearfully asked, "Is this the time the angels take me to Heaven now?"

You see, though Marla thought she was going to die giving her blood to Macy, she courageously and with profound love quietly proceeded with the intent to save her sister.

Every adult in that Pediatric Oncology Ward was deeply touched by something far bigger than ourselves that day.  Love reminded us all there are those in this world who live their love powerfully.  Even six year olds.  And a little Pied Piper.

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