Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Horses and riders who won that day...

Now before I launch into this blog about those of us who boarded and cared for our own horses at Blue Heaven Stable on the "other" side of the two lane road outside Wildwood, as opposed to those on the side of the road where access to all the trails and huge lake were located, who rode expensive horses they paid others to care for.  Just because they looked down their noses at us since they were wealthy horse owners and we weren't, doesn't mean ALL do this.  Yet as you will see, we changed their attitude making them much nicer to be around.πŸ˜ƒ

Years later after I rescued Patches, I boarded him at a place in Maryland briefly, where the kind owners were paid to care for the horses owned by those who came out once a week to ride their horse.  Patches and I were the exception.  So when these horse owners of horses who didn't know them, witnessed Patches excitedly galloping to me at the sound of my voice, they actually complained to the farm owner as to why THEIR horse didn't do that.  The owner replied, "Because Patches KNOWS his owner, and KNOWS her love."πŸ’•

All of us at Blue Heaven Stable drove old cars, and 
worked hard to support our beloved passion...our horses.  Our horses KNEW us.  And soon everyone 
knew the horse owners of Blue Heaven.🀠

Each summer the town of Wildwood held a horse show for the elite.  After the Danny & Renegade fiasco I wrote about two days ago, the townspeople of Wildwood realized (aside from Danny, that is😱), there were some REALLY very nice horse people on the "other" side of the Main Road.  We were asked by the Mayor to please participate in Wildwood's Charity Horse Show, but we were not crazy about doing it.  That is, until we were not so nicely challenged by the elite group, who claimed they would leave us in the dirt "where all of YOU belong," in the Relay Race on the Eventing Course near the trails.πŸ€”

To them, we politely accepted.  To each other, we were determined to leave THEM in OUR dust, where THEY belonged.  We had enough of their attitude.🀨

The Relay Race would be a mile and a half long, no jumping, but some sharp turns around the jumps, a 
gallop through shallow water, and small hills.  Judges would be stationed throughout.

There would be six participants on each team.  We decided our team would include Ben, John, Margie, 
Lucas, Rory, and me, on my horse Bashum.  Since 
Bashum and I could REALLY gallop fast and I was as daring as hell, it was decided Bashum and I would do 
the final stretch to help make up for any time lost during the previous stretches.  Our intent was NOT to lose any time if we could help it.πŸ™‚  

On the day of the event, it appeared the whole town was there.  John, with his horse van if any of us needed it for any reason, drove to the event.  The rest of us rode.  And everyone from our barn came to support us.🀠

Soon after we arrived, a member on the other team 
LOUDLY yelled (for our benefit) to his teammates, "Hey look!  They've got the midget on their team!  How crazy 
is that?!!  They'll NEVER win!!!"  Some of their supporters joined him in the ugliness he was spewing forth.πŸ™„ 

Just before Ben, John, Lucas, and Rory were about to 
go DESTROY the idiot, I made them (#1) know that if I could handle it, they could too and should, (#2) he was doing it on purpose to upset us, and (#3) for him to 
step THAT low they had to be worried about OUR capabilities!  Yes, it made our blood boilπŸ’₯but we HAD 
to let it go.🀫

The time came for riders to mount their horses, and to take their places on the course.  Of all things, I discovered I was up against the rude Idiot himself.🀨  Strangely with only a judge present he remained quiet.  There was a huge crowd at the Finish Line in the distance though.

Ben on his horse Rory (yes, we had a human Rory and a horse Rory!🀠) was doing the stretch before mine.  In the far distance I could see John approaching Ben, and was just ahead of their rider.  Suddenly there appeared to be a commotion.  What happened is the rider facing off against Ben stood up in his stirrups to reach for the 
wand as Ben was doing when John approached.  

However, the right stirrup strap of Ben's opponent snapped.  We would have immediately been declared the winners, but dear Ben did a very noble thing.  He asked that judge to allow the rider who just finished to give one of their straps to the rider with the broken one.  The judge said it was very kind of Ben, and allowed it.  The strap was replaced, and those two riders lined up again, with Ben placed the same distance ahead as John was when the strap snapped.πŸ‘

Meanwhile, MY rude, impatient opponent began cussing and complaining.  The judge with us told him if he didn't shut up he would give us the race.  He shut up.🀣

Then they were off!  Ben and Rory (his horse) held onto their lead, as his opponent was whipping the heck out 
of his poor horse which my vile opponent screamed at him to do.  Ben reached me at least three lengths ahead of the opponent, handed off the wand to me, then Bashum and I BURST into a fast gallop.πŸ’₯

When the wand was handed off to my opponent, he 
nearly dropped it.  Bashum and I were a good distance ahead, yet with Bashum being a smaller horse than the opponent's horse, I didn't want to lose any ground.  I tapped Bashum on the rump with the reins, which was 
all I needed to do, as he knew what to do.  He poured it 

We crossed the Finish Line far ahead of the opposing team!  Soon my teammates surrounded us as we hugged and were cheered.πŸ’«πŸ€©πŸ’«

It turned out, many there were hoping we would win!πŸ˜ƒ

Yet the best part of all of this is the reaction of the Elites.  Especially after they heard what Ben had done.πŸ™‚  All of them except the very RUDE one whom they shunned afterwards, came up to us wanting to apologize for the ways they had treated us, and to congratulate us.  From then on, The Attitude they had vanished, and it seemed the whole town changed.  All because of six passionate Blue Heaven Stable boarders.πŸ’«πŸ€ πŸ’«

With horses, magic happens.  But you see, I have known that my whole life...🐎🀠🐎


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