Monday, August 3, 2020

Along the way...

Along the way on my journey I have often been asked if I must hate always having to look up at people.  My answer would be similar to the one blind or deaf people say:

"Because I have always been this way I don't know any other way."

And I don't.  I've never been an average height hooman.

There are brief moments when I am standing on one of my step stools where I pause, thinking how much different my life would have been if I had those additional inches.  Indeed it would have been.  Yet I don't have those inches so I embrace what I have.

I do avoid crowds though.  I mean all I can see are crotches and butts, and it's not a pleasant sight from down here, let me tell you.😂

Obviously, the thing I/we Little People hate the most is the ever worsening mean invasive ridicule, being followed, chanted "midget" to, and having our images taken on cellphones and uploaded to disgusting websites for the purpose of ridicule on a massive scale.  To these non-humans we are an object of scorn.  We have no humanity.  This, is what I/we hate more than any inconvenience.  This, is what we would change if we could change anything. 

Sadly, there are some Little People who do the Jerry Springer type shows, and demean not only themselves, but us all.  For you see, the non-humans seeing this assume we ALL have no pride and are like that.  We're not.  The ONLY thing Little People have in common with each other is the fact we're short with a form of dwarfism.  That's it.

We are doctors, lawyers, accountants, marketing executives, teachers, architects, secretaries, social workers, actors, writers, artists, and even a artist who has galloped upon her horses for decades.🐎😃🐎  

Many have achieved a lot.  Yet none of this matters when we must contend with the non-humans.  To them we're the scum of the earth, the slime of the sea, the lowest form of humanity.  

Trust me, we're not.  And I know I'm not, for you see I keep walking TALL.  I always have and no one can take that away from me.🐎😃🐎

You walk tall too, my dear ones, regardless if you're height challenged or not, because you matter.😃👍

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