Friday, August 21, 2020

One small candle like me...

"There is not enough darkness in all the world that can put out the light of even one small candle."

In my beloved writer Arthur Gordon's book, "A Touch Of Wonder," is the quote above.  He went on to say, the quote was found on a small gravestone after one of the many bombing raids on Britain during early WWII.  Some thought the quote was surely written by someone famous.  But it wasn't.  For it was written by a very sad, lonely elderly woman, whose cherished cat, which was all she had, was killed by a Nazi bomb.

I have always been a star gazer.  One thing I noticed, is how the darker the sky, the brighter the stars shine...that it is the darkness making the light shine brighter.

The ones who have inspired me the most on my challenging journey are those who faced their challenges with such courage their inspiration shined forth.

Many years ago I read the incredibly touching book by Paula D'Arcy, entitled, "Song For Sarah." She and her husband were expecting their second child.  Their first, was Sarah, a toddler.  One Sunday in 1975 when they were traveling home after a visit with family, a drunk driver plowed into their car, seriously injuring Ms. D'Arcy, and killing both Mr. D'Arcy and Sarah.

In one brief shattering moment everything Ms. D'Arcy held dear was gone, except for the child she still carried.  At the time, Ms. D'Arcy was keeping a journal...and she continued, pouring out her anguish, which eventually became her very inspiring "Song For Sarah."

She survived, and her courageous experience is helping many.  Oh, so many.  It helped me...during the daunting challenges of my first spine surgery.  And especially helped me again years later when Aiden died.  Here was someone who knew the darkness of terrible, gut wrenching tragedy, whose journey through it was the very reason she shined so brightly, becoming such a profound gift for others.  These are the kinds of people who are my inspiration.

Yet many say my journey does the same for them.  I hope so.

When life is tough, remember my dear ones, all the darkness of heartbreaking challenges cannot put out the light of a candle...YOUR candle burning bright with hope and courage.

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