Saturday, August 22, 2020

I DID IT! (11 July 2020)

My dear readers, I did it!  I finally did it!  As announced and promised about two weeks ago.  

Please...PLEASE know I usually do not say "" as often as in the video?🀣  When I began to do the video, it suddenly hit me the thing is going around the world!  BAM!  A moment of stage fright.😳  This is the person who used to be in demand as a speaker years ago!πŸ˜‚

I should warn you, I am also affectionately teased about my "wild hair," and "lopsided mouth."πŸ˜‚

Yesterday, as I touched on in the video, I had a painful outpatient surgical procedure on my urethra.  I am in a great deal of pain from it, yet was determined to do this for you as promised.  

If you would like me to continue doing a video, perhaps each month or so, I am sure the next will flow easier.  Assuming I haven't lost all of you after seeing me as I am now!πŸ˜‚

I must say this took courage to do in another sense.  Why?  Once this enters Twitter, I run the risk of encountering rude responses from the general public like I/we get constantly, yet I will cross that bridge then if needed.

Since Twitter would only allow an approximately two minute long video, I have had to edit it into three segments. 

Your hopefully positive feedback will mean a lot.

Again, thank all of you so very much for being on this journey with me.πŸ˜ƒ


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