Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Sadie "did" to two friends...

THIS is a very funny story NOW, but to me back THEN, I was definitely NOT very amused.🥴

During one of my many long hospital stays, I had asked my dear friends Bob and Tom to visit the farm to check on my pony Sadie.  That was ALL they had to do.  "What could possibly go wrong?" I thought.  But you see, one day things did not quite happen as planned, and they screwed up.  I mean they VERY ROYALLY screwed up.🙄

Since Bob and Tom knew Sadie could pull a cart, they had what THEY thought was a very bright idea one day.  Only I didn't own a cart nor did I like them because I wanted to be ON my horses, not BEHIND them!🐎 However, I did have Sadie's cart harness which came with her.  Unfortunately, the guys knew WHERE the harness was kept.🙃

So they decided to make a two wheel cart.  They were really very proud of themselves too.  In fact, THEY thought what they built was absolutely brilliant.  Truly, 
a VERY fancy state of art pony cart.🤔

Somehow the very inexperienced Bob and Tom managed to get the harness on Sadie, they told me later.  Then they attached it to this brilliant state of art homemade cart the two were so proud of.  And perhaps it really just might have worked too, who knows?🤫  

But you see, ONE of them had the ridiculous bright idea to shake a huge, very LOUD old cowbell one could hear in the next county, to get Sadie moving.😱

Oh, Sadie moved all right.  She absolutely went FLYING!  I heard from other sources after they could quit laughing long enough to tell me, she reached a speed making her capable of reaching the next county in ten seconds!  

Only that didn't happen, you see.  For neither the state of art cart nor the harness survived.  What did remain on Sadie though, got caught around a tree, which not only stopped her but brought my pony to her knees until she could be extracted.  Thankfully SADIE was fine though.😃

However, the cart was NOT fine, ending up in many pieces strewn everywhere.  In fact one of the wheels was never seen again.  And the guys?  AND THE GUYS?!!😳

Since they both knew I would be hearing about this, Bob and Tom decided they had better hurry up and visit me FAST before the news could reach me, to confess.  Uh, that is, once they got out of the emergency room of the exact same hospital I was in upstairs you see.🤫  

So imagine my surprise when Bob and Tom entered my room, with Bob's arm broken in a cast and sling, and Tom hobbling in on crutches due to a VERY sprained ankle.😱

At first I was very upset they both had been injured in some terrible, horrible way...  

And then...AND THEN, they told me, beginning first to quickly assure me Sadie was fine.  Hearing THIS, my compassion level for them suddenly dropped.  

Hearing the rest of what happened, my compassion PLUMMETED.  I mean really REALLY plummeted.  For a few moments I literally wanted to throttle them.  

And they were scared too.  Both admitted later how very grateful they actually were that I was unable to get out of the bed to cause further injury.🥴

Realizing they obviously had suffered enough, and would surely have scars to carry with them, I couldn't help but begin laughing.  And laughing so hard tears were running down my cheeks.🤣  We all three did.  In fact we have laughed about this "brilliant" endeavor of theirs for many years now.😂

Yet one thing was certain though, for you see those two knew better than to try using one of MY horses for ANY of their bright ideas ever again.🐎😂🐎😂🐎

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