A inspiring Little Person galloping through the challenges of life with her horses
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
In NYC galloping on a horse...
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
A miracle of hope...
Some of the dearest, most treasured friendships I have ever had have been made on Pediatric Oncology wards. Regardless of ages, the deep bonds of all being in the fight of our lives together and sick as hell, allowed us to embrace each other in precious ways unlike life outside the ward. For one thing we were isolated. Yet one would think life in the ward abounded in despair. But no...quite the opposite you see. Because life on the ward abounded in hope. Faith and love too, but I am focusing on hope here today. And we need it now more than ever.
Due to my age, yet being little like the kids, I could reach them in unique ways. Since I was also someone who owned and rode horses, who could draw, play the piano and make laughter happen, I really rated. But they all loved hearing my horse stories most. Especially the one when my horse Selah accidentally stepped on my right foot, and they could see the scar imprint of her hoof forever engraved on my foot. Again and again they would ask for me to tell them this story and show my foot. And they also loved to hear me tell what it was like to gallop across the fields on my horses, often expressing hope to do the same someday, or when they reached heaven.
Though all most certainly embraced the hope of getting well again, not all did. There was no way to hide the reality of death on the ward. Yet the kids embraced their belief of heaven as encouraged to by their parents. Often their belief in heaven was a very deep and profound one far beyond their years. The kids talked about heaven a lot. When I was able to, I was asked to draw a lot of winged horses the children wanted to have for their rooms. I had shared with them how horses seem to fly when they gallop, and how galloping on my horses felt just like we were flying. I also told them my hope that when my own time came to go to heaven someday, I would arrive on a flying horse.
Some say children who have a disease or condition, are angels sent to teach adults a thing or two about having faith and hope. I believe this.
Nine year old horse lover Jonny had been fighting leukemia since he was a toddler. Though many lives are saved now, back then drugs still had a long way to come yet. While doctors said nothing more could be done for Jonny, his parents kept his hope of getting better burning bright, because he kept telling everyone he was going to get better. Months earlier his parents promised him a pony if he got well, and Jonny was not about to let go of the hope for his long held dream to come true.
Hope burning bright can sometimes shine forth with a miracle. I know this, because I wasn't supposed to be able to walk again twice following spine surgeries, but refused to let go of hope. And both times, I learned to walk again.
Another huge miracle of hope that brightly blazed forth? Against all the odds, Jonny went into remission. It was an amazing miracle. And the pony was waiting for him when he got out of the hospital. Jonny told me he named her Selah, after my horse.πππ
Hold onto hope and never let it go, my dear ones.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Embrace peace...
You see many are living such busy nonstop lives, often as they reach the end the realization hits them of how much they have missed. For when there is not time taken to get quiet to pause, our psyche does not get the nurturing and replenishing it needs. We are not able to grasp those little things, which actually are the huge things we need to take notice of and grasp the most.
And Adelaide left the earth a thousand moments while flying without wings on her galloping horses.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Recently being told I SHRUNK...
Most of you probably wouldn't freak out if you lost a tiny bit of height as you aged, right?
So when my dear orthopaedic surgeon had the audacity to inform me I had lost a whole TWO FRIGGIN INCHES IN FIVE YEARS, I VERY POLITELY, RESPECTFULLY, AND TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!π±
I mean, after all, I only have so many inches in height as it is, and I worked very hard to acquire my TALL 4'3" in height!Now then, to the moment with my current orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Havnor...
"Adelaide, since we last measured your height, you've lost two inches and I..."
..."see from your recent scan your lumbar vertebra have collapsed onto each other and fused. Inaddition, you're lacking cartilage throughout your body including the spine, so the vertebra throughout the thoracic level are grinding down on each other without anything there to prevent this. That you are still walking at all with this problem alone is astounding to my colleagues and me."
"But look, you're still considered as being a Little Person on the tall side even at the 4'1" height!"
"That's easy for YOU to say!"
"Besides doing the demanding work you did, you've spent your life riding horses! How many people can ride horses? I'm 6'4" and horses scare the hell out of me!"
"Have YOU had a scan lately? What if you suddenly discovered YOU had lost TWO INCHES in five years because your bones are collapsing?"π₯΄
"Ahh well, Dr. Havnor, I'll eventually accept this. I have no choice. I have to. Besides, many other Little People would give anything to be even as tall as this. Or to just have the normal sized hands and feet I do."
But you see, my dear ones, I really must confess I haven't quite accepted it yet. I keep forgetting and still write I am a TALL 4'3" Little Person. Then when I do remember, I keep hesitating to write I am a TALL 4'1" Little Person! Why?π
Obviously my vertebra and other bones collapsing on each other is a huge medical reason why, and is another aspect of living in a body like mine.
However I think just being 4'3" so long since I ceased growing, has had much to do with it too. I simply can't get used to saying I am a TALL 4'1" Little Person yet.
Sigh. I am still a Little Person regardless of shrinking.
So my dear ones, the time has come for me to accept the fact that yes, though I may be shrinking physically, this is not true about my attitude or spirit!π
I am Adelaide, and I am a very walking TALL 4'1" Little Person!π«ππππ«
Saturday, September 26, 2020
A farting situation...
"Today, at 4pm."
"Today?!! How long have you known this?!!"
"Uh, about two weeks."
Kentucky was in the midst of one of its' worse droughts in state history during that time. Everything was dusty. Especially my car, since I needed to feed Selah twice a day. I had no choice but to keep two bales of hay in my car, besides sacks of feed, and all her other stuff. With a dress, fancy shoes, and makeup in tow, I rushed out to the farm to care for Selah, and got ready beneath the grove of trees while she ate.
As Nora and I were driving to the address given, I heard rumblings coming from her body. There is a beloved, well known hamburger chain throughout the eastern and midwest States, called White Castle. The hamburgers are small, loaded with onions, cheap, and good. Also open twenty-four hours a day.
"Nora, please tell me you haven't eaten at White Castle in the last twelve hours?"
"Adelaide, I ate at White Castle before the sun came up this morning."
"NORA! You know those cause you to have gas! How many did you eat?"
"Uh, eight? Nine?"π
"Nora, I have a bad feeling about this."π₯΄
We both did by the time we arrived at the address given. This wasn't going to be just any little women's group. We arrived at the gate of a rich community with mansions. HUGE mansions. And we damn near didn't get in until Security verified with the Hostess, we were who we said we were.
"Oh shit, Nora! Look at these mansions!"π±
So we arrive at the mansion belonging to a very wealthy CEO who lived next door to the Warden. Valets were there to park cars. You can imagine their faces when WE drove up in a VERY old dusty car filled with hay and horse feed. Definitely NOT the kind of cars they were used to!π
A nice butler dressed fancy then escorted us through many large rooms to the one where the wealthy ladies were. Each room we passed through, the carpet became deeper, and were more ornate than the previous room. Obviously the Hostess knew immediately who we were, because an African American and a Little Person did stand out from the rest.π
"Oh dahlings, you must be Adelaide and Nora!"
There were about fifty or sixty women dressed to the nines in furs, dresses, gloves, heels, and expensive jewelry. A fancy table with tea, coffee, finger sandwiches, and cakes had been laid out. Since I was not the one who ate a bunch of White Castles and hadn't eaten all day, I helped myself to a few things, and coffee.
The time came for us to speak. I was first. The butler had to bring me a chair so I could reach the podium and microphone. As I spoke, I noticed Nora had begun to squirm uncomfortably.π±
When I was done the women gave me a rousing applause.
Now it was Nora's turn. Midway through her powerful story either the effects of riding in a car filled with hay or all the gallons of perfume these ladies used hit her, for suddenly she sneezed unleashing a chain reaction, because when she sneezed the loudest, longest fart in history escaped my dear friend.π³
By this time I was in my seat totally drowning in uncontrollable laughter with tears streaming down my face.π€£
Many ladies unable to endure the White Castle gas bombs exited to another room while maids opened windows and sprayed canisters of air freshener. The kind butler said he never laughed so hard in his life as he showed us to a bathroom because I was about to pee all over myself. But thankfully by then Nora's "problem" had cleared up thanks to all the history making gas bombs.π₯΄
So now if you're clamoring to know what happened next, because Nora was such a powerful speaker, and many ladies themselves had also experienced the White Castle gas bomb phenomenon, they insisted she continue. In fact we were invited to other mansions and women's groups for several more tea time talks!π
Only I made darn sure from then on Nora never again had any White Castles within twenty-four hours before we were to speak anywhere!π€£
Just so we know who...
And if He does not turn their hearts,
May He please turn one of their ankles,
So we may know who they are by their limping.
~an old Gaelic Blessing
Friday, September 25, 2020
Speaking 101...
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Thorns have roses...
We can live a life complaining because roses have thorns, or we can live a life looking on the bright side because thorns have roses...
Along my journey I have always strived to keep focused on the bright side of life, rather thanFor instance, believe it or not, there ARE some perks with being a Little Person!
When as a child, there was a game called "chicken fighting," played in water or on land. This is where
a kid gets on the back of another, piggy back style. The object was to then try to knock off the other
piggy back riding kids. I ALWAYS got to be on someone's back and loved it! And I got knocked
off just as much as the others did too.π€£
If a whole bunch of us made a human pyramid, I always got to be the one on top! And I LOVE
heights, which probably is understandable given the fact I reside in this body. For instance, I do not care for crowds for the obvious reason. It's because all I can see are crotches and butts! Trust me, this is never ever a pleasant experience!π
Also as a kid, when playing hide an seek, because I was able to always hide in places no one else could, I spent a lot of time waiting to be found!π
Some of the other perks I have touched on in a blog, is how meeting the famous always seems to throw the door wide open for conversation, because THEY are so intrigued!
Still, some of the best perks I have discovered with being a Little Person, are when people who are overwhelmed by life and its challenges who heard me give a talk, or even to just converse with me in a grocery store, and their spirits are lifted.
It is always so meaningful to hear how touched or inspired people are by my journey. For these are the best, most wonderful perks of all. The ones of just knowing how my very challenging life made
Life is especially challenging out there for us all no matter who we are or where we are. Yet as much as possible, keep on the bright side, remembering this: thorns have roses.π₯
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
The day I used my excellent tact...
We have all surely had these moments in our lives at one time or another, and then if we haven't, we must not be opening our mouths or signing with our hands very much.π
I am talking about those times when we try to be very tactful but things miss their mark. And yes, yours truly has managed to have a few zingers too.π³Because the show must go on even if the Scene Designer gets thrown into a hospital for a unexpected period, the theatre I would be working for at such a time would very understandably need to hire a replacement. Then after I recovered from whatever surgery and long recovery, I had to find temporary work, which was never a problem.
So this particular failed tact event happened when I was working at the architectural firm.
The small firm was owned by a dear husband-wife team, employing approximately twenty-five men and two women, aside from the owners who were not there often.
One day out of the blue, the owners suddenly brought in a new Marketing Manager and wouldn't you know, it was their daughter in-law. In the first place, we didn't even have a Marketing Manager position to begin with. Some of the guys were uncomfortable with this. Soon we ALL were very uncomfortable.π±
Unfortunately you see, Ms. Donna brought along with her a problem which immediately began affecting us. For dear Ms. Donna had a body odor issue. An intense one. While the rest of us dressed comfortably, aside from me who dressed like a hippie, Ms. Donna dressed quite impeccably. She wore expensive business suits with matching high heels. And she constantly worried about her appearance, but not her smell.π₯΄
Something drastic needed to be done. Giving her perfume and fancy soaps on her birthday didn't work. So all the guys, Miss Bailee, and I met after work one evening. Right away, the guys felt either Miss Bailee or I had to take this task on, because we were of course, women you see.
"Adelaide, we think you should be the one."
"ME?!! Why ME?!!"
"Because you're so cute and the owners really like you. Besides you have something in common with her."π«
"I don't have A THING in common with her!"π
"You're near the same age, and she nearly pees her pants laughing like the rest of us when you tell your funny horse, dwarf, or theatre stories! She never even smiles at any of us."π±
"So please do it for all of us, Adelaide! PLEASE?!! We'll EVEN buy you a whole month's worth of horse feed if you do this! PUH-LEEZE?!!"
They got me on the horse feed.π
As soon as there was no chance of rain in the forecast so we could be outdoors for my sake, I reluctantly asked if Ms. Donna would have lunch with me at the park.
"Sure. But I'll drive myself, if you don't mind, and you drive yourself!"
"No, I don't mind! Not at all!"
At the park as we were nearly done eating, with
"No, why? Are YOU having a problem with body odor, Adelaide?" [Sometimes people are terribly slow about grasping what one is saying no matter how clearly one expresses it]π
"HELL NO!!! I uh...ahem...mean NO. But didn't anyone ever express to you the fact YOU have a unpleasant smell?"π
"Not exactly. I never worked any place for very long. I wear the best, most expensive clothing yet people don't like me for some reason."π€ͺ
"Uh, what do you mean by, 'Not exactly?'"π
"Okay! So I've been told I have body odor, can
"Ms. Donna, something is not working, and there is no other way to try to put this...you really smell. And you smell downright awful. You must be a very lovely person, but it is so difficult to be around you no one can find this out. Miss Bailee is getting calls from those you visit to promote the firm, begging to please not have you return."π±
"How dare you talk to me this way! I don't believe you!"
"Ms. Donna, I'm trying to tell you in the nicest way possible, you flat out stink to high heaven. Worse than cow shit. Even rotten eggs. Maybe not as bad as a skunk though..."π€£
"I've never been so insulted, you...you..."
"Midget? You've got to admit..."
"I'm calling my in-laws!"
"...at least I'm not a stinking midget!"π₯
Not surprisingly I soon received a call from the owners.π± Wanted me to come visit their home right away. As I left, my comrades in arms were preparing to revolt on my behalf.π
I went to the mansion overlooking the river where the owners lived.
When they told me they were absolutely thrilled with me, I was speechless.π€£
The gist of it all was first, their beloved son, blinded by love, was immune to his wife's odor issue. It was destroying the family. They didn't know what to do. Besides, the woman couldn't hold any jobs due to this "problem."
But the owners had explicit faith in their amazing employees.π
As they listened to the very excellent "tact" I used to make Ms. Donna aware of the situation, the owners couldn't stop laughing. Gave me a huge raise! Said they were going to give the rest one too.π
"Uh, may I please make a phone call right away?π³
The owners had a long talk with their son and daughter in-law, who finally acknowledged she had a problem. Somehow it all got resolved, she got a brand new job, and the last I heard, was still working at the same place after many years, odor free.π
And all because of my very excellent tact...ππ₯
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Daring to be BOLD...
Well, the opposite of bold and what brings boldness
to a crashing halt is fear. Like the fear of failing. Insecurity. Having courage and being bold go hand
in hand. For there are times one HAS to be bold if
one has no choice but to plunge forth with nothing
to lose and a hell of a lot to gain.
MANY years ago when I was seventeen and had applied to get into the Theatre Set Design program, the Chairman of the Theatre Department, Dr. Ravenall wanted to see me. Though he said I certainly had the artistic talent by viewing my portfolio, having painted on large flats for high school theatre productions, he had obvious concerns my height challenges would hinder me.
I have a quote I discovered many years ago, which says when we have the courage to be bold, a very amazing thing happens. We can become a force to
be reckoned with. So as I plunged forth with the courage to be bold, the very amazing thing suddenly happened. Oh, did it ever. Because in a FLASH little Adelaide became a HUGE force to be reckoned with.
Even though I am about the same size standing
as I am sitting, I suddenly stood up in front of
Dr. Ravenall, to my full height of my very VERY TALL 4'3" and boldly let him know just a few
Dr. Ravenall, "I own and gallop on my horse bareback flying across fields! How many people
At this, his jaw dropped. For a moment he was speechless. Then, with amazement Dr. Ravenall told me he never had ANYONE talk to him before
Finally Dr. Ravenall spoke.
Wow. Being one of the few chosen for THAT class
was BIG. Really big. So was being admitted to the Theatre Scene Design program too. Boldness threw the door wide open for me.
The courage which became the catalyst for causing
an amazing thing to happen when I was bold is latent within us all far more than we realize. We
Strive to be bold, my dear ones, by being a daring spirit to be reckoned with, and stand TALL doing
Monday, September 21, 2020
After Aiden passed...
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Of within us...
Are tiny matters
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
These two things...
As you have probably gathered by now I have packed a lot of living into my life in between all the many hospital stays, knowing there would be a time when my physical battles became more and more incapacitating...which is where I now am. However, I am exceedingly grateful for being able to have done so much.
There is a great deal of talk about having a bucket list these days. And for me, there are only two things I would had loved to have been able to do I was unable to get done.One thing I touched on in a previous blog, was I took flying lessons. I love flying. I was about to begin my third lesson, when my blood counts plummeted again and I got whisked off to a pediatric cancer ward for a new bone marrow drug, having to be isolated for a long period of time. This was during the same time I met Michael who was also on the ward, and we did the infamous Goldfish Caper together I wrote about earlier.
Since I was in the ward so long, by the time I got out, I had life, work, and a horse waiting to plunge back into. So I never got to complete learning how to fly, and that is something I wished I had been able to finish doing.
Yet even more than that, the one HUGE thing I have longed to do since I can remember, is to combine two of the things I love most, which are horses and beaches. For I have always wanted to gallop a horse on a beach. This for me, would have been "The Ultimate" thing to do.
As it is, galloping a horse bareback on a beach
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Being silenced...then a miracle...
Friday, September 18, 2020
Humor on a tombstone...
Remember, as you pass by,
As you are now, so was I,
As I am now, you will be,
So be prepared to follow me.
Then on a old sign someone creative (not me) attached to the tombstone were these words:
To follow you, I am not content,
Until I learn the way you went.
Little Peon...
First, Little Peon was actually a racehorse. Second, close friends have often affectionately referred to me by the same name. And yes, trust me, there is a story here...πππ
Thirty-six years ago I was working at a little theatre owned by a company which also owned other theatres across the country. One weekend our Executive Director had to suddenly be away which happened to be the very same weekend the owner of the whole theatre corporation was coming into town for meetings the following week. Soooo, it fell upon myself and the Artistic Director, Sam, to show Bob the town all weekend.πSo Sam and I very carefully planned out a itinerary of museums, concerts, and the kinds of things we thought Bob would like to see.
However, when Sam and I picked Bob up at the airport, he shot our careful planning all to hell! Bob wanted to get out and have some fun! Believe me, museums and concerts DEFINITELY were not on Bob's itinerary!π€
Of course I would ask, "Have you ever been to horse races? Would you like to spend time at the track first?"
"Yes! That's it, Adelaide! I've never been to a horse race before! Let's do it!"π
So we got to the track in time for the second race. But first Sam and I had to give Bob a crash course in how best to pick horses and place a bet.
Bob had beginners luck by choosing a horse we suggested, and he won! Bob went crazy with excitement!π
As I was looking to see who was running in the third race, I saw there was a horse running named...and I'm not kidding...Little Peon, who was a HUGE longshot. Not expected to win at all. No way. Was a very small horse.
As the horses proceeded down the backstretch, the announcer shouted, "LITTLE PEON IS THIRD!"
We remained for several more races, having a blast, with the guys asking my advice before each race, and both having good luck. Bob said, "I've NEVER had this much fun on one of these trips!"
So you see, dear ones, never EVER underestimate
Thursday, September 17, 2020
The blanket of love...
When my dear mentor friend Jackie (with the unique loud laugh) was in one hospital dying of cancer, I was in another hospital struggling to learn to walk again. So I couldn't be there, nor could I even get to attend her funeral. For years it left me with a terrible sadness I seldom shared with anyone. I needed closure, but how?
"Which means I am going to have to do this, huh?"
"Yep, you got it!"
So, this is how I ended up at Jackie's grave pouring wine into two fancy goblets late one afternoon. As
And you know what? I felt better...a lot better. I even felt as if Jackie were there. Then it hit me, how much Jackie absolutely would have loved being served wine on her grave.
Love remains, dear ones.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
A set of footprints on my heart...
Some come into our lives and forever leave their footprints upon our hearts. And I have been very blessed to have many sets of footprints upon mine.
I was seventeen when I began living on my own in my last year of high school. The same year I was being sponsored at a art gallery as the youngest artist they ever represented. Also I worked in a busy florist and gift shop too, which became a touchstone of my life for years to follow.The owner, Ella, discovered very quickly that as a artist I had a natural gift for arranging flowers. She also had my artwork selling well in her gift shop.
What with the kind of childhood I had, Ella, like my other older, dear mentor friends through these early years of my life, Nora, Joseph, and Jackie, each gave me guidance and support when I needed it most. For you see, they each showed me what having loving parents was like too.
Including Ella and myself, there were three to five
others also working in the florist and gift shop. We each did everything from flower arranging, taking orders, making deliveries, doing weddings, and funerals.
One time when I delivered flowers to a funeral home built like a maze, I went in and there was no one to be found anywhere. It was dead quiet. And I couldn't find the room for flowers.
And then...AND THEN I entered a room and saw
Anyway, we did both large weddings and very small ones too. At one of the very small ones once, the pianist did not show up, and the couple were quite distraught as would be expected. Our hearts were breaking for them.
For decades my dear mentor friends Nora, Joseph, Ella, Jackie, and I remained very close until their passings, as I followed Theatre jobs with a horse in tow, having spine surgeries, many other surgeries, and then faced a dire cancer prognosis shared in a recent blog, when the three of them (Jackie lost her own cancer battle by then) traveled for hours just to surprise and be with me.
When I was seventeen, using special Japanese brushes and ink, I did three separate galloping horse paintings on heavy paper, each one as tall as me. Ella had them framed, and two immediately sold. For some reason though, the third one was not selling. Then I discovered why. You see Ella loved that painting and whenever art collectors sought to purchase it, she told them it had been sold.
My dear ones...there are always those who come into our lives forever leaving their footprints upon our hearts...and often when they do we are never the same again.ππ
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
My friend Mister Rogers...
Fred Rogers 1928-2003
When I was a child, living in all the instability, sadness, and violence of life with my parents, as well as trying to make sense out of the terrible
Many years later as an adult I wrote a letter to him sharing how much his presence had meant to me. Most of all thanking him. I also included gifts of my art prints out at that time too, though I didn't expect a reply.
Well I did receive a reply.
Everything Mister Rogers is on television, Fred Rogers is in person. A dear and very gifted man. A minister and an amazing musician.
Fred was born on 20 March 1928, and raised in the small town of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. He earned a degree in music composition from Rollins College where he graduated magna cum laude. After graduating from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, he became
Many did not know that Fred's childhood was a very lonely, difficult one because he was so shy and introverted. He also had a weight problem and bouts with asthma that made him homebound. Even worse, he too was bullied and ridiculed as a child which is why he so understood what being ridiculed was. Thankfully though he had very loving parents who were always encouraging him.
So by the time Fred got to High School he had lost weight finding ways to overcome his shyness to
Because television was still new in the 1960's Fred wanted to find a way to use it to reach children and their families rather than pastoring a church. So he created Mister Rogers' Neighborhood that began airing nationally in 1968 and ran for 895 episodes. The shows were taped at WQED in Pittsburgh and then broadcast by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
You see it was Fred's gentle, quiet way that has so endeared him to children and adults. Nothing changed for the entire run of Mister Rogers other than the story lines. Fred did all the puppets including their voices.