Friday, September 4, 2020

Suicide is NOT me...

I never imagined writing a blog like this...

I have been asked today why in light of my height challenge that I not just throw in the towel.  Why do I continue trying to live.  Why not just get it over with because "ones like me...should they said."  This pissed
me off.


Because "throwing in the towel" is NOT...ME.  I was born with an indomitable fighting spirit which is all I have ever known and have fought like hell from childhood to keep rising above one challenge after another, never giving up for.  It is NOT in my psyche TO give up.  Even after Aiden died.  Even as sick as I am now.  Even with the ridicule.  "Throwing in the towel" is,
and never has been. 


Because my indomitable spirit has always embraced an innate sense of courage and gratitude for the many reasons in my life TO WANT to LIVE.  To keep pouring everything within me to experience LIFE at its fullest.
Because despite any challenges I have endured, the beauty, goodness, wonders, and the joy of my LIVING have filled any places sorrow dare carved or the horrors of illness.


Because I still have a right to be here.  I still have many reasons yet to BE here.  Because I am still making a difference in other lives.  By trying to finish art projects.  By writing this blog and keeping it going.  By still touching lives of people around the world I do not even know.  By still touching lives of people around the world
I am so blessed and so damn grateful TO know and care about who make my life worth fighting for each moment, each day.


Because I also matter to those everywhere who make my life worth fighting for.  And they don't give a damn how my body is packaged.


I will NOT be defeated by the ugliness in the world 
now either, nor should anyone else.  I embrace gratitude and kindness and so do all whose lives make mine worth fighting for.

My dear ones, how blessed we are.  We are love.  Never ever let go of that.

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