Thursday, July 2, 2020

On friendships...

We never know when a unexpected chance encounter will unfold into an enduring friendship.  A cherished friendship.  Anyone reading this blog knows I have had many treasured friendships since I was very young.  And sometimes as it turns out, when needed the most.

The year 2003 became a very tough year, for in quick succession Kentucky was hit with an ice storm of historic proportions, causing many of us to be without power for weeks, my true love Aiden died in a tragic drowning accident which devastated me beyond words, followed by my dear Dr. Kopits...renown Orthopaedic Surgeon for Little People besides being a friend, who lost his battle with a brain tumor, then the sudden passing of Fred Rogers who was also a friend, after discovering he had stomach cancer.  Then a painful problem with my left foot turned out to be a malignant tumor involving three emergency surgeries and treatment.  In the midst of all that my dear eight year old cat Brice had to be put to sleep.  Thankfully though, Patches remained.  Still, I was really reeling.  And limping.   

Prior to that year I had been asked to write a inspirational piece for the 15th Anniversary of The Ride Patches and I had made, which touched and inspired thousands of people as our story had been followed by the media.  The story of The Ride can be found in the blog here, "And what a plunging forth..."

Even more than fifteen years after The Ride it was still touching and inspiring people in so many heartwarming ways beyond all my expectations.  It meant so much for me to learn what a impact the story of Patches and I were yet having upon others.  

One of those lives was SO inspired after reading my 15th Anniversary piece online that a friend of a friend of hers who knew me had shared with her, she just had to get in touch with me.  And she did.  She told me later she had never done anything like this before.

Shelby and her husband Bode had recently retired after very successful art careers each had as sculptors lasting for decades.  That I too, was a artist really was amazing.  They spent their lives on Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound, a long distance from the Bluegrass of Kentucky.  Yet when a friendship is meant to be, miles do not matter.

We first began sharing EMails.  Then phone calls.  Soon they began flying me out for 4-6 week visits each year.  After Skype came along we began doing that.  Though much older than me, Shelby and I discovered we had one of those friendships like we had known one another for years.  They introduced me to all their friends and we all made art, went to the beaches, laughed a lot, shared a lot.

Shelby's presence in my life helped me process my losses.  A few years later, I helped her after Bode became ill and died.  She is ninety now, and to this day we talk often and are there for each other.

You just never know dear ones, how a friend will enter your life, and share a bond of a lifetime.  

How blessed I am to have had quite a few of these along the whole way!  With two legs and four!😃🐎💕

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