Thursday, March 12, 2020

Being different...

One thing that often astounds me is how many normal average height people go to great lengths to physically distinguish themselves, with tattoos, piercings, purple hair, etc., striving to be unique and stand out.  While Little People like myself, and other physically challenged people are doing everything possible to TRY to blend in with the rest of the world.

By the way, let me say I have nothing against tattoos, piercings, and purple hair.  In fact I think some I have seen are really cool.  Remember, I am a artist who has always dressed like a hippie, the 1970's, and in ballet attire, so believe me, I appreciate unique.

But back to the being different theme.  There is a courage that of course must come with being physically different.  We have no choice.  One must attain a sense of self acceptance and assurance, which usually are instilled by loving parents, dear friends, or sheer determination, otherwise one may live a lonely life of fear, insecurity, shame, and even intense anger with being physically different.  

Yet there are many average height people of all ages struggling with the same feelings too.  The question I am asked everywhere (especially when in demand as a speaker before my health severely deteriorated), after the, "how do you get on your horse" one, is "how can I attain the self assurance and courage you have" one.  Then the one, "please would you write all your stories and inspirations for everyone to keep," which I finally began trying to do here.  

I cannot possibly write in depth how to feel self assured, other than what I am trying to do by sharing the gems of my own my blogging journey with you.  How I hope these little treasures will somehow guide and inspire your own journeys by giving gems you may grasp which will ignite your spark into flames.

One thing I learned many years ago is we cannot become what we hope to become by remaining where are...we must want it.  REALLY want it.  

Fill yourself with inspiring things to hold onto, dear ones.  You see, positive things change negative feelings...the what I call, "stinking thinking" feelings about ourselves.  

I have been a inspiration gem gatherer since I was fourteen.  This is when I discovered the Desiderata in a old book, written by Max Ehrmann in 1927.  It changed me within forever, as it has many around the world. 

Desiderata helped ignite my inner spark, and I will share it immediately following this.  The Desiderata is profound in its simplicity.  And how I hope it may become a gift for your inner inspiration too.

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