Monday, March 16, 2020

How does a Little Person get on her horses?!!

One of the many things I am asked is, "How do you get on your horse?"  Usually followed by, "How do you STAY on?"  I tried saddles, but I had more trouble staying on with a saddle, both English and Western, than I ever did riding bareback.  With short legs, and all the leather, even with stirrups, when I gripped, I usually popped up like a cork, with my horse looking at me like I was crazy.  Besides, I like to feel at one when riding my horses, which I do riding bareback.  And I stay on.

So back to how I GET on.  I had such a bond with all my horses, they understood the fact that when it came time for me to get on, they needed to stand next to something.  Usually, I would lead them next to my car, climb on the hood of the car, then get on.  But horses cannot always be depended upon to stand perfectly still for more than ten seconds, so I had to act fast.  Sometimes with hilarious results.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I would propelle myself just a bit too hard and go flying over them to the ground, and get that crazy look. 

If not the car hood, I would use fallen trees, or climb on a fence, or if lucky an actual mounting block.

Dismounting was always easier.  Usually I would slide off and drop to the ground, mostly on my feet...often unceremoniously on my rear.  Again, with 
that crazy look.

Horses sometimes are unpredictable.  Sometimes they suddenly stop unexpectedly.  When this happened, I would go headfirst sliding down their neck, if I was lucky.  Occasionally, my taking to the air a bit before reaching the ground with aplomb could occur.

Sooo, now you know how a Little Person got on her horses, and how she also "got off" of them too.

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