Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The deeper sorrow...

The deeper that sorrow carves into our soul, the more joy we may attain. 
                                                                     -Kahlil Gibran

Now that I plunged in and touched on what my childhood was like regarding two parents with a lot of problems, I will share how Midnight, a Shetland pony came into my life.

I am only going to touch on this once here.  Besides my parents fighting all the time, my father could get violent and beat me for no reason.  Then, when he would see the wounds the next day, he would feel horrible and try to make up for it.  One time when the wounds were especially bad, he felt so terrible, he finally took me to see the man down the road who raised Shetland ponies, that I had been begging for.  We had over an acre of land, and were allowed a horse.  Not the best way to have your lifelong dream finally come true, but there it was.

Midnight set me free.  There were all kinds of trails and great places to ride back then and we galloped across them all.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, NO ONE ever ridiculed me or was mean when I was on my horses.  They were my separate peace.

I took care of Midnight before and after school.  And I babysat, using the money to buy his feed, hay, and whatever else was needed.  With Midnight, I could escape what was happening at home and did we ever.

There was a dusty show ring a few miles from where we lived, called The Mustang Show Ring...with shows each summer weekend at night.  I would ride Midnight to the Show Ring, and compete in Halter Classes, The Pony 
Flat Race, Bareback Class, and whatever else we could be in.  During a three year period we won numerous trophies, and hundreds of ribbons.  Being a Little Person never mattered.  And that, was sweet, oh so sweet.

The deeper that sorrow carves into our soul, the more joy we DO indeed attain.

Hold fast to your dreams.

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