My horse Bashum, was a lovely brown, black, and white pinto horse and like all of mine, I loved him dearly. And Bashum and I happened to acquire a very special friend who hated the color red, who attached himself to us...
One of my fellow boarders had purchased some goats, and kept them in a pen near the barn. Only one of them decided he preferred being with Bashum instead, and kept escaping from the pen just to be with him...until finally he was with Bashum for good.
I had a feeling this would be day I received a call from John, who owned the goats.
"Adelaide, how are you doing?"
"Hanging in there! And YOU?"
"I'm doing the same."
Then silence.
"Uh John, what's up?"
"Well...I see...uh...someone bought my goats...but since I couldn't catch the one attached to Bashum, I decided to give him to you. Besides, EVERYONE is saying it would be such a shame to separate those two anyway..."
So this is how Adelaide became the proud owner of a very obsessed little black goat named Oakey Doak who hated the color red. To be honest, I had already grown very attached to the little squirt anyway. Obviously Bashum adored him. It was so charming to call Bashum when I would arrive at the farm, and see him galloping to me with dear little Oakey Doak coming right behind him as fast as he could.
Oakey Doak went everywhere Bashum and I rode...though off the farm I limited the distances out of concern for the little one.
Often well meaning people would stop and ask if I knew there was a goat following us. DUH.
Now goats can sometimes be territorial, and Oakey Doak was no exception. He would go bonkers if he saw his reflection in a shiny car...which then meant attacking it with his little horns. None of us at the farm had shiny cars, so I didn't know Oakey Doak had this desire to seriously injure his reflection...until the first time this happened (thankfully without any damage!) to someone's Mercedes which DEFINITELY was not at the farm. From then on I kept him on a lead rope while riding off farm. Did I say the little fart also did not like the color red yet?
Please continue to Part II to see what Oakey Doak got us into one day...
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