Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My galloping art life, Part II...

Somehow through the decades in between all the spine surgeries, walking again twice, cancer battles, school, supporting myself and assorted horses as a set designer, I managed to forge ahead with six art print series over the years, which all did quite well.  Received more recognition in newsprint and a local magazine.  Even a bit of national and international recognition too!

Each of the prints actually sold well!  Nothing to live on by any means, but hey, MY equine artwork, including paintings were SELLING!🐎😃🐎 

Again, my art journey is like the rest of my journey, 
by always taking a deep breath and plunging forth.  Plunging forth is having the courage to try.  It isn't 
easy, especially for those living with challenges.

If you can, read Tom Sullivan's book, "If You Can See What I Hear."  Mr. Sullivan was born blind, but has lived life to the fullest.  I was blessed to read his book when I was a teenager.  One of the things Mr. Sullivan wrote, and I am paraphrasing to remember, we who are physically challenged can gain so much, because people notice us.  This has been so amazingly true for me.😃

For instance, at art shows people see a Little Person 
with these equine horse prints.  We Little People are 
not exactly seen very often, so guess which table 
people come to the most?  Not only am I making sales, above all else, I do my utmost to hopefully open the window of acceptance for all of us just a bit more.👍

Plunge forth with courage.  For the world awaits you, my dear ones.🐎😃🐎

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