Monday, February 17, 2020

The greatest gift...Part II

The greatest gift one can give to another person, is a deeper understanding of life, and the ability to love and believe in self.

The key words in my cherished quote above, are "the ability to love and believe in self."

Growing up in the kind of childhood I had, didn't exactly instill a good self image, which further was not helped by also being the constant "object" of ridicule and rude comments out in public.

I have always been blessed though, with the right people when I needed help the most.  Two of those were when I was still a teenager on my own.

My friend Joseph was like a big brother to me.  He made me see how my upbringing and the public had caused me to carry "a dwarf card."  I was doing extraordinary things, and galloping across fields upon my horses, yet felt helpless against the negative feelings the mean rudeness I encountered kept evoking.

Joseph had me use my artistic abilities to make a "dwarf card" on large poster board, made to look just like a real credit card.  Only this "credit card" entitled
one to feel...and I listed all the negative, sometimes paralyzing feelings which arose each time I was so rudely ridiculed.

Then we went through them all one by one, discussing them.  One for instance, was a feeling of shame.  Joseph made me see I had absolutely no reason to feel shame, especially with all the amazing things I could do and the amazing person I am...that I was letting strangers have power with their terrible words.

After we talked about all the things on my "dwarf card," we had a burning ceremony, which in its own way, became a "freeing" ceremony for me.  All I needed was the right person to guide me when I needed it the most back then.

The other person who gave me the "ability to love and believe in self" gift, was Tom Sullivan, who wrote the book I read as a teenager I mentioned in an earlier blog, "If You Could See What I Hear."  I never met Mr. Sullivan, but his book really taught me to embrace my uniqueness.  

We are all unique, my dear ones.  Love and believe in yourself.

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