There is a saying, "That which doesn't break us, makes us stronger."
I recently learned I have somehow managed to lose TWO INCHES in height during the past decade. TWO INCHES! This is serious. For when one is THIS short to begin with, every inch matters.😏 I had a few moments where this really affected me. Actually, I was surprised by how much this affected me at all, especially in light of what I am already dealing with that is far more serious.
Please bear with today's blog I will touch on exactly what I am living with. Due to the trauma of previous spine surgeries, in 1990 at Johns-Hopkins I was diagnosed with a very painful severe spinal cord inflammation disease known as arachnoiditis. Nothing can be done for it, as the inflammation is within the spinal cord, and it is steadily worsening. The arachnoiditis began in my lumbar area, and has moved up my spinal cord.
It is now weakening my legs, severely affected my digestive tract, and urinary tract. Both my colon and bladder now barely function. As far as the colon, I am on a very expensive new drug that basically jump starts it enough, so it may empty each day. Years ago I had to learn how to catheterize my bladder anyway, so that helps. But I live with terrible pain, and battle intense nausea...both worsening.
So I have been told all things are only going to get worse. Not fun. Yet I will keep on as I always have, by plunging forth, embracing faith and gratitude. You may wonder, "Gratitude?!!" Gratitude. Despite all my challenges along the way, I have been all over this country. I have owned seven horses, and soared across fields on them. Then I got to do amazing things with my art, Theatre, and piano. Have many friends...have laughed a LOT, can still walk, talk, hear, see, and have a roof over my head with cats. There are always things to be grateful for in our lives.
"That which doesn't break us, makes us stronger," my dear ones. Embrace courage and gratitude.
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